Visiting Longwood Gardens in Kennett Square, PA

Longwood has 40 gardens, 11,000 types of plants, and 800 yearly events including concerts, classes, children activities, and gardening demonstrations. Inside The Conservatory are an Exhibition Hall, The Palm House, The Silver Garden, The Orangery, roses, hibiscus, a growing house, The Mediterranean Garden, The Cascade Garden, and a tropical terrace. There are various outdoor attractions such as The Open Air Theatre. This theatre was built in 1913 and features summer performances and fountain displays. Also, a rose garden that was installed in the 1930’s and a rose arbor, an old Italian wellhead surrounded by arches of pink climbing roses. There is an outdoors children’s garden and topiary garden which features evergreen that are trimmed into large geometric forms and whimsical shapes. Beautiful blooms can be found along sloping paths from March to October and a 50-foot man-made waterfall cascade recirculates water through the fountain system.
Longwood Gardens is located at US 1 Kennett Square, PA
Admission (subject to change)
Adults $12 mild January – March ($8 on Tuesdays)
$14 April thru the day before Thanksgiving ($10 Tuesday discount)
$15 Thanksgiving thru early January (no Tuesday discount)
Youths $6 ages (16-20)
Children $2 ages (6-15)
Under Age 6 is Free
Group Rates Available
Frequent Visitor Passes (good for an entire year)
Adults – $60 Youths – $30 Children – $10
Hours (subject to change)
Open Everyday of the Year
9am – 5pm (until 6pm April-October)
Conservatory opens at 10am
Longwood remains open Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday evenings during the Festival of Fountains (May-Sept) and nightly during the Christmas display.