Visiting the French Rivera

Located along the French Rivera and a short distant drive from Nice or Cannes, St. Tropez , is one of the active towns during the summer. You can spot Hollywood celebrities and guests enjoy the culture, gourmet food and hot nightlife.

The Plage Port Grimaud is the best beach to wear your Burberry bikini. Plage de Tahiti is the most renowned beach for its unspoken clothing-optional policy and risqu�© atmosphere. Plage de la Bouillabaisse, Plage des Graniers and Plage des Jumeaux are the recommended beaches for families, it offers beachside playgrounds which is very suitable for the children. Plage de Pampellone presents three miles of beaches and places where you can dine.

If you don’t like the beach you can so enjoy having lunch at French a cozy cafÃ?©, hang around the open-air markets and look for antique, shop at the upscale boutiques, or grab some bottle of wine and olive oil.

Getting There
By plane: Traveling on private or business airplanes is just a mile from St. Tropez at Saint-Tropez Air Development.
By land: You can find a train in Gare des Arcs or Gare de Saint Raphael.
There is a lot of traffic during weekends and summer, so it is suggested that you bring a good shoes for a walk before you reach the area.

When to visit
The most excellent months to visit are June and September, if you do not want it to be crowded. The last two weeks of July and the whole month of August is mainly for French families and other visitors.

The Hotel Byblos (011-04-94-56-68-00) and RÃ?©sidence de la PinÃ?¨de (011-04-94-55-91-00) both offer lodging fit for a king – and the palace-like dÃ?©cor.
H�´tel La Ponche (011-04-94-97-02-53) is like the old St. Tropez and located in an old fishing village.
H�´tel Ermitage (011-04-94-97-52-33) or the modest H�´tel Sube (011-04-94-97-30-04) is recommended for visitors on a strict budget. I advise on making your reservation earlier as possible because most Hotels close during winter.

Proven�§ale food has increased credit outside of this region. These are the famous Provencale dishes: boullaibaise accompanied by a fine glass of burgundy or bourdeaux from a neighboring vineyard.
Do not leave without having a dinner at gourmand Alain Ducasse’s well-known restaurant Spoon Byblos at the Hotel Byblos.
Les Mouscardins is also a renowned local restaurant that serves classic Proven�§ale cuisine in attractive setting.

Travel Tips
This small town draws people to its restaurant. It is not only a favorite celebrity destination but also a nice place to relax and spend quality time together with your family. The place is located near CÃ?´te d’Azur, which is a historical place.
Visit Les Caves du Roy (011-04-94-97-16-02) at the Hotel Byblos it is a stylish club and visit the MusÃ?©e de I’Annonciade, also known as MusÃ?©e St-Tropez (011-04-94-97-04-01). The museum has a large collection of modern art pieces by famous artists, such as Matisse, Bonnard and Seurat.

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