Visitor Center to Open in Fall

OLD SAYBROOK – Many driving past Main Street have seen the ongoing progress of the town’s new Village Gateway Information Center located at the corner of Main Street and Route 1.
“The weather hasn’t helped,” Old Saybrook First Selectman Michael Pace said, “but we hope to open in early fall.”
Village Gateway Committee Chairman Jeff Metzendorf, said he expects the roofer to come back to town in the middle of July for installation of a slate roof.
Delivery and installation of windows are also expected to be done in July, Metzendorf said.
The center’s architecture will be reminiscent of the octagon design of the town’s former information booth which opened in 1935, Metzendorf said, which commemorated the town’s 300th anniversary.
“It had a cupola, round windows, and we used a lot of those features for this building,” Metzendorf said.
The former information center was moved during World War II to serve as an airplane lookout station next to the present-day Dock N’ Dine, Metzendorf said.
“All up and down the coast, people volunteered their time to man these stations for enemy airplanes,” Metzendorf said.
The tradition of volunteering has continued as Metzendorf said most of the center’s construction has been completed by volunteers who have donated their time, labor, and materials.
“We are calling this an old fashioned barn raising, everyone worked together to get the structure built,” Metzendorf said, comparing it to barn-raising efforts of the 18th and 19th centuries.
Pace believes the visitor center will attract different types of people to Main Street.
“This is a town’s facility and its purpose is to serve the town of Old Saybrook,” Pace said, adding it should provide information regarding interests of residents and tourists.
Pace is talking with Old Saybrook High School Principal Scott Schoonmaker about the possibility of having the school’s business curriculum use the center allowing students to sell memorabilia with the town’s name on it.
“If there was any profit, they would keep it,” Pace said, adding he hopes such items will increase the pride residents have in their town and will be good mementos for visitors.
It is possible the town could work with local artisans in having paintings and pottery in the center, Pace said, adding that the Tracy Art Studio on Main Street has shown interest.
The Old Saybrook Police Department building is expected to be renovated in the near future, Pace said, adding he has spoken with Chief Mosca about the possibility of relocating administrative personnel there while their building is under construction.
“It fits in because they will be providing information,” Pace said regarding the temporary move.
It is uncertain, however, who would actually staff the center on a full-time basis.
“When we did this my intention was to have volunteers and look at civic groups who want to participate, man the visitor center giving out information dealing with the town and the area,” Pace said, “For that, civic groups could use the center for meetings for free but this deal is still on the table.”
On the Old Saybrook Chamber of Commerce website, a letter written by Executive Director Linanne Lee, states “your board of directors has voted to move to the Village Gateway Building that is currently being constructed.”
Pace said the chamber has looked at making the center their new home but has given the town inconsistent messages.
There is nothing definite about a relationship between the center and the chamber, Pace said, who cited concerns that if the chamber moved in they would not allow civic groups to use the facility.
Lee wrote “thanks to Chief Mosca and Matthew Rubin we will have a temporary space in the Community Police Office located at 665 Boston Post Road in the Old Saybrook Shopping Center,” opened June 23, resulting in the closure of their former office at 146 Main Street.
Talk of the center has generated several untrue rumors including one stating the center has a basement without any stairs to it.
“I do believe there are people out there putting out misstatements who have a political agenda. I am quite concerned as the town’s chief elected official and the truth needs to be told,” Pace said.
Pace said the center will have stairs to the basement which will have secondary access to the outside and has been certified by the building inspector and fire marshal as one fit for occupancy
It is anticipated the basement will be used as a meeting room for civic groups, Pace said, adding the building will have a sprinkler system.

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