Vital Tips for Hunting in Georgia

Georgia is a deer hunters dream. The deer, and other wanted wildlife, are very abundant here, thanks to the diligence of farmers, conservationists and the Wildlife Management plans put in place by the Department of Natural Resources. There is practically a different animal hunting season through-out the year, which it makes it a desirable place to hunt. So, let’s get down to the basics.
Deer seasons vary by way of your weapon. For archery hunters the season runs September 10th thru October 14th, and January 2nd thru 31st (extended season) for either sex. Primitive weapons may be used October 15th thru 21st for either sex and Firearms may be used October 22nd thru January 1st for the Northern zone, and October 22nd thru January 15th for the Southern zone. Your deer limit, statewide, is 12, ten anterless and no more than two antlered. Some restrictions apply to certain counties, so please check with the Department of Natural Resources before setting out.
Hunting with dog is permitted in certain areas of Georgia, but a permit may be required. A Big game Hunting License is all that is required to hunt in the state of Georgia. If you are a Non-resident, an extra fee will be required. A Hunting License is easily obtainable from any Wal-Mart Sporting Goods Department, Independent Sports Center, Ace Hardware or DNR office. Fees for a Big Game license range from $ 9.00 for residents to $ 135.00 for non-residents. Youth up to the age of 14, hunting with a licensed adult, are free. If purchasing an adult license you will need a valid driver’s license, applicant’s name, Social Security Number (SSN), address, date of birth, weight and height.
There are many places that are accessible to hunters in Georgia. Of course, the best hunting is found on private land that is either leased, or loaned, to you from the owner. If this is not feasible, hunting on a WMA (Wildlife Management Area) is also said to be good. Hunting in Georgia is said to be abundant, no matter where you set out there appear to be plent. Of course, no matter where you hunt, adhering to hunting safety rules is always a must for your safety and those around you.
Although Deer hunting is the most sought after form of hunting in the state of Georgia, Bear, Turkey, Hog, Dove, Quail and Alligator are also hunted with some frequency. Hunting Licenses fees and Seasons vary for each of these species, so contact your local DNR office before attempting to hunt these types of wildlife. You may also access all hunting information on the Georgia DNR website,