Volunteermatch.org Helps You Help Out

It is a leader in the non-profit world finding a place for each person to volunteer their time and talents.

Volunteer Match (volunteermatch.org) relies on the community of partnerships and memberships for its success.

If you have a skill, there’s a match for you somewhere on the site.

You can even volunteer your frequent flier miles.

You can put a link to the non-profit’s website on your webpage.

Volunteer Match has won numerous awards which are listed on their site.

Karen Fink started working with volunteers in 1999 and is involved with Volunteer Match.

“I love the enthusiasm that volunteers bring,” she said.

More than 30,000 non-profits use Volunteer Match to recruit help.

Abe Landis has been volunteering at a museum for the last seven years.

“Museums like the Exploratorium can change people’s lives,” he said.

Landis was 11 when he first visited the Brooklyn Children’s Museum and it was an experience that profoundly changed his life.

World renowned for its engaging, thought-provoking exhibits, The Exploratorim is housed within the walls of San Francisco’s Palace of Fine Arts and has 650 interactive exhibits in art, science, and human perception.

According to Rodney Hines, program manager of Community Affairs at Microsoft, the key to businesses getting their employees involved in volunteer work is to offer them time, convenience, and choice.

Corporations are increasing their role and making it vital when it comes to building communities.

Volunteer Match’s business services are designed to meet the needs of corporations who recognize the social and business value of community involvement.

For instance, Xcel Energy has a long history of supporting the arts through volunteerism as well as arts, culture, and environment.

Volunteer Match’s priority of late has been matching volunteers with disaster areas who are in desperate need of help.

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