Wall Painting Tricks

1. Choose the Right Color
Rooms in your home that have only one window in them can be dull and dreary looking. To change these rooms into cheerier, brighter places, choose a light color of paint. Yellow is a common choice to lighten up dark rooms. Or, you can choose white, light blue, or pink, just to name a few popular colors. Glossy colors reflect better than dull, flat type of paint too.
2. Raise Low Ceilings
Low ceilings can make a room look smaller than it actually is. But you can make a low ceiling look higher just by using this wall painting trick: choose a light color, such as glossy white, to paint the ceiling with. Then, paint four to six inches down each wall from the ceiling. This “extension of the ceiling area” will give the room a taller, larger look.
3. Unclutter A Room
Have you ever noticed how a room that’s cluttered full of belongings looks tiny and small? The same thing can be said of a room that has heating radiators in it, for example. To make a room look uncluttered and larger, paint the heating radiators (and any other stationary items) the same color as the wall. That way, the items will blend in with the walls, and they won’t be as noticeable.
This same wall painting trick works with wood work too. Painting the woodwork the same color as the walls will help camouflage the woodwork. Then, the room looks bigger and not divided up.
4. Shorten A Long Room
Some homes have rooms in them that are long and rather narrow. The sizes of these rooms make them look more like galleys or hallways rather than actual rooms. If this pertains to your home, you can use a wall painting trick to remedy the problem. Simply paint three of the walls a warm, or darker, color. Then, paint the fourth end wall a lighter or cooler color.
5. Lengthen A Short Room
On the other hand, to make a short room in your home look longer, paint one end wall a light, cool color. Then, paint the other three walls a warm, darker color.
6. Lower High Ceilings
Another one of the wall painting tricks that works for rooms with high ceilings is to paint the ceiling a darker color than the walls. The darker ceiling will actually make the ceiling look lower. Thus, the room will look cozier and warmer.
7. Fill the Gaps
Often, there are gaps in between the baseboards and the walls in a room. As the eye follows the wall down, it will naturally stop when it sees the gaps. This creates a divided feeling. To remedy this problem, use this wall painting trick: use a good-quality caulking to fill the gaps in before you paint the room.
8. Cover the Imperfections
If you have a room in your home that has dents, divots, and other imperfections on the walls, choose a flat type of color to paint the room with. The flat, dull paint will help hide the problem areas.
9. Don’t Skimp!
When it comes to choosing a brand of paint and the brushes, rollers, et cetera, don’t buy the cheapest ones you can find. The more expensive painting equipment usually produces the best results.
10. Clean Up Less
One of the best wall painting tricks is, instead of cleaning your brush or roller up everytime you want to take a break, simply wrap it in a plastic bag. Then, place it in your freezer. It won’t dry and harden up. When you’re ready to paint again, simply remove your brush or roller from the freezer, allow it to thaw for a few minutes, then use it!
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Posted by john in Decorating & Design