Wash Your Clothes More Effectively

1. Clean your washer.
Germs. Grime. Smells. They all build up over time in a washing machine tainting your clothes. Sanitize this device by running a cleaning cycle monthly and wiping down visible areas with a mix of vinegar and water. For older models without a cleaning cycle, purchase over-the-counter (OTC) products that do the job.
2. Use a quality detergent.
Face facts! Cheap detergents don’t cut the mustard. Your clothes reflect their lack of power – unresolved stains and dull colors. Do yourself a favor and pay the extra money for a laundry detergent that works. (See: Best Laundry Detergents) Think Tide.
3. Use proper temperatures.
Shrinkage and bleeding are common problems associated with washing clothes. Why? People don’t use the right temperature (cold, warm, hot). Look at the directions on the tag of a garment. Then, follow them. Don’t assume one temperature fits all.
(CHECK OUT: Revive Your Spring Clothes)
4. Turn clothes inside out.
This act prevents snagging because of buttons, zippers and other clothing accessories. (Read actual testimonies at GardenWeb.com) Also, materials that pick up lint such as corduroy normally have linings that won’t – thus, preserving their state.
5. Dry according to instructions.
Dryers have been wrongly accused for the frailties of the user for decades. From sock eating to pant fading, these heaters have gotten a bad rap. The truth behind the hype is that the average Joe just throws EVERYTHING in the dryer without considering the instructions for an item. Find out how to dry your favorite shirt and maintain its shape, color and texture. This could involve no heat at all and laying an item flat.
In conclusion, wash your clothes more effectively and keep what you love longer. Turn into the type of person who brags about a favorite shirt they’ve had for over a decade (even thought it’s probably no longer in style).