Washing Machine Help: Will Not Drain

Folks? Before I waste your time, this washing machine help article is written by a woman who is not using any technical terms. If a technical information manual devoted to why the washer won’t drain is needed, there are many lengthy-worded versions online. My goal is to help others with simple information on why their washing machine will not drain; not to explain definitions and purposes of a solenoid or pump structure.

This article is written for every child who is thinking about calling their Mom for washing machine help because their washer won’t drain.

Here is what to do when the washer won’t drain:

1. Before beginning to troubleshoot, the first washing machine help that I can give is just some common sense: cover everything around the washer that should not want get wet. Tarps and towels are nice things to have in the work area.

2. While the tub is full of water, turn the dial to the empty water part of the cycle and explore your lid. Is there a button that starts and stops the appliance when the lid is open or closed? Is it broken? Use a wood pencil to poke a broken lid button down to drain water out of the drum when your appliance will not drain.

3. Is the plug plugged in firmly? Is the hose going into the pipe drain-hole crunched shut? If the pipe is taped to the pipe hole, un-tape it. Is anything better? If not, get ready for the messy part. Do not re-tape the hose into the hole… that is supposed to have air.

4. Momma Maxx lecture here “x”. Topic: Electricity + Water = Death. Unplug the washer that will not drain and put the plug someplace that it will not get wet before it is plugged in again.

5. Bucket the wet clothing mess out of the washing machine and dump the wet clothing into the bathtub. Deal with that problem later. Next, scoop all of the standing water left in the drum out, and dump that water down the toilet.

6. We both know where the missing socks are, so let’s go get them. A washer won’t drain normally over clog problems in only two possible areas: those inside of the washer-box, or those outside of the box. So, in we go.

If the draining problem is outside of the box it is in the house and pipes; call somebody other than your Mom to take care of that messy job. Or, find the tool that they call a “snake” and use that on your pipes to see if it clears the clog.

7. Drag, shove, and push the washer out into an area where it is possible to walk all of the way around it. This mandatory while working to give that washing machine help to drain.

8. Depending upon how mad you are at your mate for not providing washing machine help when you asked for it… Take his penknife and poke it into the front top seam of the washer will not drain and wiggle the knife around until you feel the catches release. Or, use a butter knife that you don’t care about bending. When the lid hinges pop open, the lid will life up and the back will sometimes go down with a crash.

9. On the backside, see where the two hoses are connected to that mechanical looking doohickey? That doohickey is your water pump. The pump is then connected to the motor that makes the washing machine go.

Look inside of those water pump hoses to see if any of your missing socks are in there. Don’t mess with anything inside of those hoses that you do not recognize. Washing machine manufacturers sometimes hide important whatnots in there. It is okay to remove and clean any screens and put them back. Just don’t touch the unknown parts or whatnots behind the screens. Those are some kind of a self cleaning goodie.

If there was a clog in the water pump hoses and it is now removed, we’re done. Put the washing machine back together. This washing machine that will not drain should drain just fine now.

10. If there isn’t a clog in the water pump hoses, look for a broken rubber belt near the water pump. When going to the store to get washing machine help for replacement on this part, take all of the broken pieces of rubber to the store so that they know what replacement size to sell for your washing machine.

11. Put the washing machine back together and run one load of water through on low-level. If the washer won’t drain now, the problem is either a clog in the outside lines, electronics, or a water pump that needs to be replaced. Check the outside lines first. Buy a new water pump second.

If that washing machine will still will not drain after getting rid of all clogs and giving it a new pump, dispose of in a landfill. Repairmen charge high fee’s by the hour to track down electrical problems. A new washer would be much nicer to have for that money.

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