Watches and Fashion

Fashion – almost as beauty – is a terrible power. People subjected to its influence, can make something about themselves to make everybody around think: “Is this person crazy or what?” Fashion throws us from one extreme to another. But its main tendency remains – it returns. Where? It returns into a well-forgotten past.

Retro style follows designers as an obsession. And because of the fact that present day fashion is a kind of Rubicon among beauty and frivolity, accessories help us to control ourselves. But these accessories should also be functional.

For instance, let us take a watch. White metal watches in the style of 80-es are now in fashion again. The simplest watch on a big strap becomes a stylish and even extravagant thing if taking into consideration uneasy fashion conditions.

Nowadays a watch means not just a possibility to know the time, because there are a lot of other ways for this. For instance, your cell phone, time service or clocks on the street can substitute a watch. But to help you really enjoy the process of time-reading there are stylish wristwatches.

An interesting fact is that for the last 15 years wrist watches designers have begun to follow more and more changeable clothing fashion. Now a fashion person has great number of various wristwatches to match all his/her fashion clothes and shoes. And if for women a watch is a small addition to everything else, for men who stick to strict style in clothing – a watch is a single chance (except a tie) to be different from all others.

Wristwatches designers create collections of all the necessary accessories chasing the main fashion trends. They elaborate watch design for all clothing styles and for all life events.
There are no doubts that wrist watches design will continue following the latest fashion trends.

As for the main watch fashion trends, it’s a serious matter because it concerns wide layers of population. There is fashion for children’s, male, female, and teenager’s watches. The age of a buyer is also important. The matter is that nowadays there’s no technological revolution in the world of watches that’s why they just change watch design and materials in watch production.
Today watches serve as a fashion accessory – you can change it depending on what you put on -jeans or a suit. One of popular colors is gold in combination with steal.

Watches have to match your suit style – one of dress code rules tells. That’s why when black and white colors have been substituted for bright colors, a real revolution has happened in the watch world and the majority of watch producers have taken part in it.

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