Water Saving Tips for the College Student

Water saving is not only economically beneficial, but also environmentally sound. College students have the reputation of being wasteful, simply not true, but with these tips college students can save water and money.

First be aware of any leaks or drips from faucets. Dripping nonstop all day, everyday can certainly add up. Change old washers in the faucet. Make sure all faucets are completely turned off before you walk away.

Quit flushing the toilet unnecessarily. You don’t need to flush tissue when you blow your nose. You don’t need to flush insects down the toilet. Put it in the trash!

Take shorter showers. Be shower efficient. You can replace your showerhead with a low flow version; often you can get a discount from your water company or from your apartment complex.

When you can, take a bath instead of a shower. Make sure when you take a bath that you plug the drain before turning on the water, and then use the minimum amount of water needed for a bath, about 1/3 full.

Using water to defrost or unthaw meat is inefficient. Use the microwaves defrost option which will be faster and not waste water needlessly.

Never pour water down the drain to get rid of it when it could be used for watering plants around the home or to wash off a dish in the sink.

Stop leaving the water on while shaving, washing your face or brushing your teeth. There’s no need to have water running non stop when you’re not directly using the water. Turn it on to start, wash, shave and brush, then turn it off and turn back on when you’re done and need to wash up.

Only use dishwashers and washers when the load is completely full. Not only will this save water, but also electrical costs.

If possible opt for a refrigerated air conditioning system that won’t use water like the swamp cooler counterparts.

If you’re washing dishes by hand, fill up one basin with warm soapy water. Use the other sink basin to rinse under a low cool flow of water from the faucet.

Fill up a container with drinking water and keep it in the refrigerator instead of running the tap water every time you need cold drinking water. Use what you need.

Many have the tendency to run water heavy when adjusting temperatures. This is not necessary. Leave the water running low while waiting for water to heat up or cool down.

Be water efficient and save yourself some much needed college funds.

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