Ways to Feel Happy

Are you being moody and irrational? Is every living thing bothering you right now? Do you want to just walk out of your job or break up with your boyfriend for no apparent reason? Do you feel like the world has let you down just because you didn’t get the good seat on the bus, your supervisor gave you a difficult project, or you did not get an A+ on the test you studied for all night?

If this is so, you are not alone and may be suffering from the Blah Blues. The Blah Blues is defined as the temporary sudden drop of mood when anything and anyone can set you off into a negative thought spiral. Many external and internal things can activate the Blahs.

“Sometimes I find myself mad for no reason. One thing will trigger my bad attitude and then I am upset for the rest of the day,” advised Cassandra, a Blah Blues Sufferer.

The weather can often be the culprit. Is it rainy and cold outside? Is your apartment or house junky and cluttered? Is it your diet? What did you eat today? Did you eat any processed food? Is your menstrual cycle about to start? It may be PMS. Are you stressed out about your job, family, business or future? Have you exercised today? Did a memory of a past relationship arise? Did someone hurt your feelings? Many things can trigger the blahs but the above mentioned are the most common.

The Blahs are often instantaneous, they come in a moment and leave in a moment anything with longevity may be a sign to seek help. If you find yourself having the blahs for long periods of time please seek professional help because life is a gift that should be enjoyed.

I believe the blahs are often a sign for a minor or major life restructuring. You may need a new attitude, job, hobby, boyfriend, place to live, hairstyle, etc. Your upgrade may be small or large but the blahs represent a time for something new and nourishing. One may welcome the blahs because it is a sign for a restructuring or review of self.
Here are some tips for Blah sufferers:

1.Own your Blahs. It is ok to be blue sometimes, feel the emotion and try to figure out what brought you the blahs. Also, train your brain to snap out of it after the initial indulgence of Blahness because lingering in the blues may be unhealthy.

2.Count your blessings. Write every good thing about your life down. Ask yourself simple questions such as:
a. Am I alive?
b. Do I have enough to eat?
c. Does someone love me?
d. Am I able to care for myself?
e. Do I have sight and the ability to hear?

3.Help another person or donate to charity.
Call a friend or family member and bring groceries, flowers or a card to their home. Donate old clothes to the Salvation Army.

4.Pamper yourself. Visit a spa and get a massage, facial or pedicure. Or, go to your favorite restaurant and enjoy a healthy meal.

5.Think yourself happy. In the book The Power of Positive Thinking Norman Peale writes, “Whenever a negative thought concerning your personal power comes to mind, deliberately voice a positive thought to cancel it out.” This is a great cure for the blahs and may be difficult at first but it works like medicine for a negative mind.

If you are thinking: “I have so much work to do and no one at my job tries to help me.” Change the thought too: “I am going to do my best to complete this project but I will not let it affect my mood.” Another added step may be to send your resume to another company to see what other jobs are available. Options always ease a negative mind.
In the book Attitude Is Everything Keith Harrel writes, “We like to think that our attitudes are affected by what people do and say to us, but in reality, it is what we say to ourselves that has the greatest influence on how we present ourselves to the world.”

6.Exercise and Diet. Take a walk, aerobic or yoga class. Try to consume more fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, seeds and fish.

7.Turn the Television off. Television can often overwhelm us with a feeling of hopelessness especially with the sad news stories about our communities. It can also give us false expectations of our own lives with images of extreme wealth and “looks” we may not posses.

According to history, famous film producer Louis B. Mayer’s last words were “Nothing matters. Nothing matters.” That alone can help us see that we have the blahs about situations that will not matter next week or when we are 80 years. Therefore, we should take our Blahs, examine them, fine tune a few things in our lives, and then ignore and fight the Blahs whenever they decide to still our joy. Life is a gift so live on.

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