Ways to Prevent Shoplifting

The best ways to prevent shoplifting in your store are:

GREET each customer as they enter the store with a big, welcoming smile, a nod, and a Good Morning (or Afternoon or Evening, Sir or Ma’am.. Not only do the individuals know that you are aware of their presence, but by becoming a friendly one, you make it less agreeable for them to steal from you.

OFFER TO HELP them if they seem to be having trouble in locating what they want. They know you are aware of them as individuals. Regular customers will appreciate the attention, too..

MAKE IT CLEAR thtat you are happy to answer any question they have. Burnishing your image as a friendly, helpful, intelligent individual, the shoplifter is going to leave. The shopper is going to feel important.

KEEP AN EYE on everyone in the store – not obviously, but constantly. People who watch you back are probably a problem.

PLACE MIRRORS to eliminate any hidden corners or unseeable nooks. Make it hard to hide. And be careful not to pay attention only to noisy groups of kids, particularly when one of them has separated from the crowd.

KEEP THE HEIGHT OF THE MERCHANDISE where it does not obscure your vision of events. And remember, girls are as likely as boys to steal from you.

ALWAYS GIVE AN ARMED ROBBER anything he wants. Nothing is worth your life. Do NOT use the gun behind the counter unless you own the store.

Keep your store bright and clean and welcoming. It is difficult to rob a store that is full of people, and most folks will not steal from a friendly, warm operator.

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