Ways to Simplify and Speed Up Bathroom Cleaning

The bathroom is an area of the home that most people dread cleaning. Instead of using ways to simplify and speed up the job, some put it off until it becomes obviously dirty. Waiting is an unsanitary and unhealthy practice. It does not have to be something to dread. Use ways to simplify and speed up bathroom cleaning, and it will remain clean and ready for guests.

Use Germ Killing Wet Wipes on Hard Surfaces

When seeking ways to simplify and speed up bathroom cleaning, shop a local dollar store for germ killing wet wipes. They are relatively cheap, and they make bathroom cleaning fast and incredibly easy. Use the wipes to clean all hard surfaces other than the mirrors and windows unless otherwise specified. Wipes simplify and speed up bathroom cleaning because they do not have to be wrung out and rinsed. Simply toss them into the trash.

Keep a Squeegee in the Shower and a Scrubber Wand Beneath the Sink

The shower and bathtub are the most difficult areas to keep clean. Simplify and speed up the process with a squeegee and a handy scrubber wand. Keep the squeegee in the shower, and use it to remove drops of water from vertical surfaces. A scrubber wand is perfect for cleaning the bathtub and areas that are hard to reach. It will simplify and speed up the process since it provides extra arm length and just the right amount of abrasiveness to get the job done.

Use an Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner

Automatic toilet bowl cleaners these days do more than just color the water. They actually clean the toilet bowl from the rim to the base, and they greatly simplify and speed up bathroom cleaning. High quality products actually stop the formation of rings and stains for weeks on end.

Clean Wood Surfaces with Furniture Wipes

Wood surfaces do not require weekly cleaning, but the task is also easy to simplify and speed up with wipes especially for wood. Instead of using disposable wand attachments or rags and spray, buy a container of high quality wipes that are formulated especially for wood surfaces. They will clean, polish and protect bathroom vanities, tissue paper holders, towel bars and more.

Store Cleaning Supplies in the Bathroom

A person is more likely to clean their bathroom if the necessary supplies are within easy reach. To simplify and speed up the process, store cleaning supplies in the bathroom. Buy a plastic tote with a handle. They are designed especially for holding cleaners. Keep the tote in a nearby closet or beneath a sink.

Simplify and speed up the cleaning process even further by talking on the phone or listening to music. Using products that make the job quick and easy, and keeping them nearby, will greatly simplify and speed up the job. A pleasant distraction will lessen the drudgery of it all.

Source: Simplified Cleaning Experience

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