Weaning You Rbaby

Weaning of babies (from feeding bottles and their mothers milk) is usually percieved as a difficult task. Most mothers start to wean their babies around his/her first birthday,but studies show that a prolonged brest feeding actually makes the baby stronger and smarter, thus mothers are advised to breastfeed till the babies are 2-3 years.

Weaning a baby is a gradual process which takes the form of substituting feeding bottles and breast milk with meals. After the first birthday, the mother may begin to feed baby food and custards (semi solid food) and gradually introduce solid food. after 3 months, the baby should start learning how to drink from a cup.

After 6 moinths, the baby may start to feed itself with the cup and plate , prferably the two handled cups which gives him/her more grip and control.It should sart with the lunch meal times,and gradually extend to the morning meals and evening meal and lastly the nigthtime meals(this is because they enjoy it most )

After 3 months,you baby shoult be doing most of her feeding(which they will actually enjoy), and all the feeding bottles must be gotten rid of or else,he or she will remember it again.

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