Website Helps People Find Each Other

Twenty-six percent of people who use the website are consumers, 23 percent are businesses, 20 percent government agencies/court/law enforcement, 14 percent universities/students, three percent law firms/attorneys, and two percent media/news agencies.
Zabasearch displays what is available in the public domain after the user types in the person’s name on the website.
The search engine also offers a $20 program for people to get an extensive background check on any person.
The founders of Zabsearch call themselves “data democratization.”
If you type in your own name into the search engine’s bar it will show every address you ever lived at and some of the things you might have written online., which advises people on security issues, advises consumers to request a credit report yearly to see what’s on there, use your initials on your checks, put a P.O. box on checks, install a locking mailbox or mail slot that goes directly into your house, change passwords and pin numbers regularly, diligently review bills, make an identity theft affidavit, review your Social Security earnings statement, and keep records., an online white and yellow pages director website, has links to automated reverse look-ups, researching your family tree, finding anyone’s email, and getting your home’s value and even lists world directories. offers a toll-free phone line for questions when searching for people and has nanny and contractor screening info on its website. lists public records, reverse telephone directories, and professional research databases.
According to a genealogy website if you suspect the person you’re looking for lives in a particularly area you can check online phone directories to locate them. City or householder directories are also an excellent source of locating people according to the website. If you know where the person went to high school or college you can check with that school’s alumni association to see if they’re a member. offers a listing of reverse cell phone lookup sources, how to find people online and off, people search tools, ICQ white pages information, a glossary of last name meanings and origins, free family tree chart, and a list of genealogy software.