Websites Offering Free Samples, Coupons, and Other Freebies

Every day, usually while I eat lunch, I browse a few websites and see if there are any samples listed which I might want to take advantage of. If there are, I will fill out my name and address and in a few weeks, my item shows up.

The websites I use (detailed below) offer free things in a variety of ways. The one I take advantage of the most are the free product samples. Other posts will include getting free points like Recycle Bank points or My Coke Rewards points. Stores doing free giveaways will also be listed such as “Free Big Soda at ABC Gas Stations Today” or “Free Sample of ABC Perfume at Nordstrom’s.”

Cash back offers are sometimes also offered. For example, last year American Express was giving away a $25 gift card to each person who bought a gift card. I bought a $100 gift card and received the free $25. These are great to set aside for Christmas presents or just to spend.

I don’t generally go for free giveaways in stores or collect points, but I love getting free samples. Just in the past few weeks I have gotten:

  • Degree deodorant, trial size
  • Dove body wash, trial size
  • Small bag of dried cat food, enough for three days of feeding
  • Can of wet cat food, plus a coupon for another free can at the store
  • Finish Powerball pod for the dishwasher
  • Tailor’s measuring tape
  • Multivitamins, three doses

My favorite place for freebies is Free Stuff Times. The administrator updates every single day. I get most of the household samples here, and occasionally a free calendar or something useful like that. I find this website honest and reliable. Users can also leave comments under each free sample offer.

My second favorite place to score free samples is Hey It’s Free. The administrator is usually good about updates, but sometimes slacks off for a few days. That’s fine with me and I keep going back because good offers are posted here, and everyone needs a few days off sometimes.

My third resource is Totally Free Stuff which features a drop down box so users can select their country and view samples specific to their location. This is great for people outside the USA! The only problem here is the free offers are generally just links whereas the two websites I mention above actually provide an explanation of each link.

I also like to read That Freebie Site though usually by the time I get here, I’ve already found out about the offers listed by looking at my first three resources. Sometimes there is something new though, and the format of the website is really great and updated with new offers frequently.

Last but not least, I check out Wowzila. Usually there are free offers here that aren’t available on other websites, but they just aren’t my cup of tea. For example, free movie screenings are listed regularly, but that isn’t my thing. It’s a good place to check out though; you might find something you love.

Important Things to Remember:

  • Check for samples daily
  • Don’t take free samples you aren’t interested or won’t use, just because it’s free
  • You are trading your address for the sample
  • By doing this you have a little fun, save a little money, and get something in the mail besides bills

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