Websites With Free Samples, Gifts and Other Offers

The easiest way to find freebies is to do a keyword search on companies that you want the free stuff from. By going directly to the site you may find links that offer free samples or by registering with the site in exchange they will send you a free gift. Many of these companies offer free samples in the hope that you will later come back and purchase other items. For instance, by visiting Hanes, you may find a link on their site that offers a free T-shirt. By entering the keywords “free food samples” you may find gum, drinks, or candy that is being offered by following their link. The other way is to simply contact the companie’s Human Resources Department and ask them if they are giving away free items. Many shoes and clothing stores will give away items to low income or needy families.
Sites That Offer Free Samples or Gifts
Bloggers are always looking for a way to express themselves without paying a steep price for it. Now you can get free service through, and it comes complete with free service that offers hosting for your blog. gives you full control over your blog’s layout, colors and content, and there are no annoying popup ads. You can edit your HTML code directly, or use the site’s WYSIWYG editor.
Clipart is perfect for anyone looking to make homemade cards, crafts, flyers or personalizing a web site. offers everything from aliens to the zodiac, and it’s all free. The site is filled with thousands of quality free graphics and animation.
Cell phones are an essential part of our life, and customizing them is only half of the fun when you own one. allows you to upload wallpaper, ring tones, themes, 3gp videos for mobile and cell phones all absolutely free, but you must register with the site.
Trojan condoms are offering a free sample condom just by filling out the form at . They promise complete privacy and the condom will be mailed in a discreet envelope. sends you regular e-mails once you have joined, and by confirming that you have read the e-mail they give you the opportunity to build up cash over time. Once you have made $30.00, you can request for them to send you a check. They do have offers that can easily make your cash go up quicker, but the 100% free way is to just read e-mails. pays you to take quizzes and read ads, and they pay daily through PayPal to those who have at least $1.00 coming to them. Referring other people also earns you more money. They also offer learning programs and quizzes for children under the age of 13. is another program that pays subscribers for reading e-mails. You typically receive .06 per e-mail, and more money for referring others to the program.
Healthcare professionals can receive a free T-shirt and they will also find you the perfect job in the medical profession. Just go too http: // and fill out their simple registration form.
Iron on graphics for T-shirts can be downloaded and printed onto iron-on transfer paper by using The site offers many popular designs like the Fifth Sense, ebay, and others. They only request that you do not download their designs for the purpose of selling these products to others. is offering kids between the ages of seven and twelve years old a free lemonade stand. Sunkist only asks that you donate part of the proceeds to a charity of the children’s choice.
Super concentrated Mr. Orange is the perfect everyday cleaner for everything from small jobs like cleaning the stove top to even the toughest jobs, such as removing heavy grease from the driveway. To get your free 12 ounce sample of Mr. Orange go too is offering free T-shirts with the computer company software logo. You can view the T-shirt then submit your order. There is absolutely no cost to you. It only comes in size large.
Free diaper bag & samples, a JC Penney sippy cup & $60.00 in formula checks to expecting mothers or new parents. Just join http: //, click on the Enfamil family beginning’s link that says join now, and you will receive these gifts for free. Limit one per household.
Sign up for the Beechnut newsletter at, and receive a free cereal bowl along with information tailored for your babies age.
It’s summer and the perfect time to sample some free tea from Yogi Tea. Simply go too, fill out a short form, and sit back and wait for your tea to arrive in the mail.
Missing & abducted children has witnessed a drastic rise in the last few decades. Now you can protect your child even more by registering them with the free child Identification Kit at The kit is helpful in aiding law enforcement agencies to identify and find a child quickly.
We all love ice cream, and Baskin Robbins is offering a free scoop along with coupons just for signing up for their Birthday Club. Just go too and register for free.
Get a free magnet just by visiting The site also offers educational clips on the flag and the constitution. You must send a self-addressed stamp to Friends of Help Save America, PO Box 59147, Norwalk, CA 90650 to receive your magnet.
The Breast Cancer Foundation is offering a free self-exam shower card so that you can routinely check yourself for suspicious lumps and catch trouble areas in time, and remain cancer free. Just go too http: // offers a free site for anyone interested in learning how to get around the internet and what the various internet terms mean. They teach web publishing, graphics & formats, design issues, maintaining your site, and many other tough subjects that will help you master the internet, and it’s absolutely free.