Websites to Find Quotations to Use in Crafts

Would you like a way to express your sentiments or feelings in your crafts? Using quotations can be a wonderful way to communicate any expression in a very witty way. Many crafters use quotations. Quotations can be humorous, poignant and even light-hearted. You can find a quotation on just about any subject, from just about any type of professional. Here are some crafty ideas to use quotations with your projects and some of the crafts that may lend themselves easily to using quotations. At the end of the article are also several websites you can find quotations.

Quotations are great when giving a gift to a friend or a family member. You can find a quotation that best describes the person and incorporate it into your craft. Find a quote about sailing and give it to the person who loves to sail. Give an optimistic person a quote about optimism. Give a person who does a lot of public speaking a quote about making speeches. If you think about it for a few minutes, you are sure to come up with lots of creative ideas for what type of quotations to use for people. The person will surely smile when they see the quote and see that you thought of them. Sometimes without realizing it, you may have accidentally selected their very favorite quote that they love! Quotations are a wonderful way to help personalize a gift for someone.

Quotations can also be a great idea to celebrate a holiday or for a special theme. Select a quote that matches the holiday or the event (wedding, birthday, new baby) and add the quote into your crafty gift. This quotation also then expresses your thoughtfulness. A great way to find quotes for weddings is from the Bible or from popular songs. Or you may want to use some time-honored wisdom as your quote. A great quote for a new baby can be part of a lullaby or a nursery rhyme. If you think about the subject you are sure to come up with lots of ideas.

One of the crafts that easily lends itself to using quotations is scrapbooking. Scrapbooking combines the use of photographs and text about the photographs. Using quotes can also describe your feeling and emotions about the day or event that you are scrapbooking about. A quote can also be something that you highlight in your scrapbook journaling, something that you start with and then go into journaling about the day or event’s information.

Another craft that uses quotations easily is rubber stamping. You can make many types of projects with rubber stamping. One of the top crafts you can make rubber stamping is to make cards. But you can also make tags, mini posters, ornaments, jewelry, fabric art, t-shirts. Using a quotation is a unique way to add something different to your rubber stamping.

Card making is also a wonderful craft that lends itself well to using quotations. There are so many holidays and occasions that a quotation would be perfect for. You can put a quotation in the front of a card and decorate around it, or you can put the quotation on the inside of the card. The quotation itself can be designed so it becomes art. Get creative!

Sewing of many types also can use quotations. A quotation can frequently be found in a quilt. I’ve seen some beautiful quilts with bible verses quoted, or even family sayings quoted in them. Quotations can also be used when making clothes, a quotation can be embroidered on or beaded on. Quotations are also perfect for needlepoint.

Here are some places to find quotations:

The Quotations Page

This website has quotations by the author and quotations by the subject. More than 25,000 quotes at this website. Some of the subjects include life, love, success, friendship, change, dreams, happiness, attitude, character and education.


You can find quotes by topic (love, friends, dreams, happiness, mother’s day etc.) and also motivational quotes, art quotes, love quotes, sports quotes, literary quotes. There is also a search feature to find quotes by the author. You can also suggest a quote.

Brainy Quote

At this website you can find quotes by topic: age, art, business, computer, experience, faith, friendship, humor and imagination. You can also find quotes by type of author: activist, actor, artist, businessman, celebrity, coach, dancer, editor, first lady, journalist, musician, poet, publisher, saint and soldier.

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