Websites to Visit when You’re Bored at Work

Mirroring the thoughts of many, the website I Work With Fools,, is a wonderful avenue for venting about your job, co-workers, and supervisors. On, you can read hundreds of stories about the workplace, with a new rant posted daily, and take comfort in the fact that you are not alone in your fool-populated workplace. Always humorous, and sometimes a sad reflection of our workplaces, is a wonderful distraction when work seems too unbearable or boring.
Echoing the current sentiments of many, the website Bored at Work,, is a wonderful website featuring an extensive list of links to a large variety of topics and distractions, some extremely hilarious, others incredibly informative, and still others genuinely heartwarming.
At Work and Bored,, is another website offering a bevy of links, this time other brands of distraction: games and puzzles, jokes and cartoons, horoscopes and movie reviews, and daily humorous or strange news items. There is plenty here to make those long days pass just a little quicker.
Focusing more specifically on one hysterical topic, Things My Girlfriend and I Have Argued About, is a great website detailing the adventures and arguments of one poor man and his girlfriend, and the many trials and tribulations of their relationship. The author’s writing style is refreshingly sarcastic and you may find yourself laughing out loud in your cubicle in response to the clever wit and outrageous stories.
Why Work Sucks,, is a nifty little site focusing on workplace humor and other related links. It wont keep you distracted for long, but it makes for a nice visit during a coffee break.
Similarly themed but with much more content is Why Work?, This site also contains a large amount of workplace humor and links to jokes, funny essays, and various cartoons sure to elicit a giggle or two and have you coming back again. Although there is plenty of content on the site already, a small notice that the site is still under construction promises more to come.
Last but certainly not least, Associated Content,, is a website containing a wealth of information and articles about anything you can imagine. Sports, Entertainment, Health & Wellness, Shopping, and much more can be found within its pages. Whether searching for something specific or reading casually, you’ll find hundreds, if not thousands of articles of interest, sure to occupy your time while the office clock ticks away.