Wedding Crashers a Hoot

So summer has roled around and so has the influctuation of new movies to hit your local theaters. Your choices are compelling and you’ve decided that you want to laugh, and hard, but want to stay away from the more traitional “kids” series of comedy, so you decide to see “Wedding Crashers.” Unsure of what to expect, well hopefully this review will settle the questions racing in your head and help you realize why this is going to be the best movie-choice that you have made all year.

John Beckwith(Owen Wilson) and Jeremy Klein(Vince Vaughn) are typical everyday bachelors except for one minor difference. The season they look forward most during the year is wedding season. John and Jeremy spend this time of the year using false names, backgrounds and relations to unknown families in order to seduce and sleep with the countless single women that attend weddings. The manner in which Jeremy and John submit themselves to being part of other poeple’s families and celebrate with these new found relations is down-right hillarious.

“Wedding Crashers” rejuvinates the comedic value of akward sexual situations that has long been wrongly tried and lost from recent films. The plot turns during the film when John falls in love with his “target” Claire Cleary(Rachel McAdams). Upcoming actress Rachel McAdams plays a relatively short but important part of the plot but in a demandingly powerful way that still captures her imprortance.

The plot takes an even more hillarious turn when John and Jeremy’s mentor of wedding crashing reveals himself as, let’s just say there’s an unepected guest at the end of the movie. “Wedding Crashers,” although featuring crude humor and strong sexual content is still the funniest movie of 2005. Go prepared to laugh not stop and have a sore jaw after this refreshing resurge of solid humor.


Owen Wilson – John Beckwith

Vince Vaughn – Jeremy Klein

Rachel McAdams – Claire Cleary

Isla Fisher – Gloria Cleary

Ellen Albertini Dow – Grandma Mary

Jennifer Alden – Christina Cleary

Betsy Ames – Betty Cleary

Will Ferrell – Chaz

John G. Pavelec – Ken Cleary

Jane Seymour – Kathleen Cleary

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