Wedding Story

In the mood for a horror movie/comedy?

Watch my wedding video from Dec. 4, 1993.

Whenever I talk about the events that led up to my special day I always say I felt like God was throwing me zingers telling me not to get married.

Back in 1992 when my then-fianc�©e Michael and I were planning our wedding we had visions of a fairy tale complete with plum pudding and roast goose at the reception.

We had champagne tastes on a beer budget, though.

In January 1993 we met with the guy who was going to be our deejay but he wound up taking our money and that was all.

I found my wedding dress at a consignment shop for $100. The 1970s-style dress had to be altered a few times and the seamstress took me to small claims court for non-payment because I later didn’t have money to pay her right away.

Only two bridesmaids showed up to my bridesmaids’ luncheon.

The shoes I bought for my wedding were sequined and beautiful like Cinderella’s slippers but wound up being torture for my feet.

Three months before Michael and I were to be married we got in a fight and he kicked me out so I stayed at a friend’s for a week till we made up.

One of my bridesmaids bowed out of the wedding then wanted her money back on her dress at my expense. Later when she got married she asked why I didn’t come to her wedding. Now we’re both divorced. Surprised?

We had to cancel the caterer and the cake due to lack of funds so we wound up having a potluck reception.

We had to cancel the rental of the church because of financial problems so we got married in a gazebo on the beach on what turned out to be a gorgeous but extremely windy day. So windy that the combination of ocean waves and wind made my husband’s vows silent on the videotape. We had to cancel the minister due to money so we used a female friend of mine who happened to be licensed to perform weddings. Since we already had received our printed invitations to mail out I had to write in the new location of the wedding by hand on hundreds of invites.

On the way to the rehearsal dinner Michael and I got in a huge argument and the morning of our wedding he asked me if I had any money he could borrow. My future father-in-law who I met for the first time at the rehearsal dinner barely spoke to me but not because of the fight, just because that’s how he was.

My sister and friend who were my Maids of Honor had to practically chase the end of my dress as they held it up walking down the “aisle” because of the wind.

The singer we hired was forced to sing acapella at the reception because we couldn’t afford the pianist we planned to use. Nothing was so awkward than sitting there with Michael, our guests, and family as she sang right to us with silence in the background.

I still owe the florists money.

My sister and I got in an argument the morning of the wedding. (We later made up).

We were too broke to afford rings so my husband just had to take my engagement ring and put it on my other hand at the altar.

On the way to the wedding two of my bridesmaids, me, and my minister friend riding in the same car got a flat tire but were helped out by some guys who stopped on the highway. Then we got stuck in a parade procession and I was 20 minutes late to the altar so Michael thought I was standing him up.

As I walked down the altar and after they played the song accompanying me the next song on the tape which was totally inappropriate for the event started playing and there was no one to turn it off.

We had to have our reception at an alcohol recovery place because we couldn’t afford to rent a reception hall. It just so happened, the building we wound up using was formerly a church.

My male-bashing friend was cracking jokes about my wedding with her entourage she brought with her, all of whom were dressed way too casual for a wedding.

We couldn’t afford a professional photographer so we had to take our own pictures.

My husband had to work over time the day before so he was exhausted.

My step dad and great uncle had too much to drink so my step dad missed the father/daughter dance.

My cousin, who was in charge of videotaping, accidentally got my tipsy step dad recorded at the end of the tape as he lay in bed arguing with my cousin jokingly.

Some kid who I never saw in my life, wrapped up the end of the wedding video by proclaiming, “That’s it!” while dancing a jig.

My husband was too exhausted to enjoy our wedding night so after one tired attempt he fell asleep and I was left sitting in the bathroom leafing through old magazines in our rented bed and breakfast room where I discovered the beautiful Jacuzzi did not work.

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