Wedding Vows – -A Sacred Promise

The true meaning of wedding vows is to be committed with your partner. Wedding vow is a sacred promise between bride and groom in front of God, that they love each other and be committed to each other, in all thick and thin. Every relationship needs nurturing, you should not seek alternative if the relationship is not going well, after all nobody is perfect. One needs to work on their situation and think on what is going wrong and how it will be solved. Even if one finds alternative, no one can guarantee, the second wedding would work, so it’s better to abide by the solemn promise or wedding vows.

In the wedding vows couples promises in front of families, relatives, and friends that they will love and be together for life long, but they don’t keep their vows for long. This is heartening and creates bad impact on them and on their children too.

Be mentally strong and realize that all in wedding ceremony are spectators who will attend the marriage function and will move to their home, the things which will remain is the wedding vows, and your commitment with your partner. Breaking the wedding vows makes you more miserable so be committed.

Traditional wedding vows are replacing by personalized wedding vows.

This is true that couples are replacing the traditional wedding vows -“till deaths do us apart” to “till we love and live together,” we will love each other. People are getting more practical now and losing their emotional qualities.

People are personalizing their wedding vows like, “As long as our love last” in place of “till death do us apart”. Their vows generally includes lines like “as long as we love” instead of “as long as we live” that means, couple are ready to go out of the relationship easily, if it is not a success. They are not keen to work on the existing relationship.

Unconditional wedding vows are changing to conditional wedding vows, and in conditional vows there are rare chances of continuity. More chances of breaking.

They seek divorce as an alternate, but, divorce is not the solution for coping with the bad marriage. In the United States and other countries every year there are number of cases of divorce.

Commitment at the time of exchanging wedding vows and in a relationship is a must, otherwise why to marry if you are not ready to take the responsibility. Every step you take is not granted as the other person is also involved in your decision.

But this is not true with everyone, many wants a long married life and are ready for unconditional commitments in the relationship and wants to go with the traditional wedding vows “till death do them apart”.

Do this to make the relationship strong:

1. Keep in your heart what traits and beautiful qualities your partner has that brings you closer.
2. Be kind and gentle in behaviors.
3. Respect each other. Love and cherish all the beautiful moments that you spend together.
4. In difficult times remember to love and support each other, because if you are together you can easily trespass all your worries and bad time, and will see the new shine of hope, positivism and affection around you.
5. Don’t make love for each other, as contract; whenever the conditional term comes in any relationship, it is certain that it fails. Go for unconditional commitment in the marital relationship and your wedding vows.
6. If someone or your parents had gone through divorce, that doesn’t mean that the same will repeat with you. Believe on yourself, your partner, keep your commitment and love alive.
7. Love your partner stay together in sickness and in good or bad time. It will make your bond stronger.
8. Think about your children and don’t be self-centric.
9. Keep your expectation minimum.
10. Pray for your family and trust God and ask him for his blessings and kindness.
11. Taking responsibilities, loving, commitment, and supporting each other will make your bond strong.

Enjoy your marital status and keep commitment and love alive.

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