Weight Loss and Nutrition Control – or How I Learned to Lose Weight and Keep it Off

I can only say that my weight loss journey started rough. I was worried about my health, most of all, not really my weight. I knew, though, that weight loss would be paramount to bettering my health. My major requirement was that the results would be fast and proven. You see, I’m a born skeptic, I don’t believe anything unless I can see tangible proof of it, something I can at least…see. I, of course, knew that there were several ‘diet plans’ out there, but I wasn’t looking for the short term, I was in it for the long haul.

I searched and searched, of course, alighting on the popular favorites: Atkins, South Beach, Weight watchers; all of which didn’t look promising or have even one ioda of verifiable proof that what they were offering would work. Sure, I heard the stories, saw the testimonials and even heard from friends and family who had been on the diets and saw that yeah, they had lost weight, but it came right back. Once again, I wanted it all, forever.

Just when I thought I was at the end of the rope; I had been searching for weight loss solutions, I decided to search for Nutritionist, since I was ultimately concerned with nutrition. Number one on the list for Yahoo’s directory of Nutrition Consulting was Don Lemmon’s Know How. Since his name was the only one there, I clicked on it and haven’t turned back since. I read his website (www.donlemmon.com) from page to page. I soaked in the information he provided. Something that was very influential was that when I contacted him personally, he was very down-to-earth and compassionate. He wanted people to succeed in their goals and will even offer advice and encouragement along the way – personally.

After two weeks on this new lifestyle change, I saw results and felt ten times better. I had lost 7 pounds in those two weeks alone. And I didn’t feel drained or hungry. Wanting to know more on how the Know How worked, I got my hands on his book, Exercise and Nutrition – The Truth. It is written like he was talking directly to you, it was easy to follow and reference. I was definitely wanting to Know How, more.

After a total of two months following the principles of Know How, I lost about 20 more pounds and dropped an inch off of my waist. I was hooked. This was too good to be true. I was losing weight and feeling good, too. When I started the Know How lifestyle, I weighed about 225 lbs. On a 5’7″ frame, I was chunky to say the least. But, after a year on the Know How, I’m down to a very managable 140 lbs with a waist measurement of 32″ – it used to be 38″.

The basics of the Know How? Nothing processed, no sugars or fillers? Eat six times a day and to start, the same calories at each meal. This is paramount to success. A person’s metabolism is jump started by eating. Don’t eat more food, just eat more often. Spread your 2000 calorie diet out over 6 or 7 meals instead of 2 or 3 big ones…that way your body is always being fueled; the way it should be.

But what about exercise one may ask?? Exercise is only 5 days of strength training in a 14 day period of time, cardio workouts at least 4 days a week, but for only 12 to 20 minutes. It’s all so simple. There is so much more to it though… My suggestion, if you are looking to lose weight fast and keep it off this nutrition plan is the way to go.

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