WellnessMats: First Person Review

As noted in some of my previous reviews of pillows, I’ve been having horrible back pain. When I read the description of WellnessMats products I was excited to see how effective the anti-fatigue mat would be. From what I gleamed on the company’s website Health Attributes, the mats are designed to reduce pain in the feet, legs, hips, and back. Happily I tried out a product from the antique collection – the Antique Entwine for a couple weeks. I wrote a review of the product to examine the effectiveness and practicality of the item.

Review of the Mat
Because I’m the daughter of a physician, I’m always looking for safety and truthfulness in products claiming to improve health. Trying out the product was an easy choice, as the benefits of trying it outweighed the risks. Honestly, the product didn’t have any risks that made me question the safety, so I mainly focused on its effectiveness. I’ve had some tension problems lately, and I get stressed about the amount of upkeep a house requires. As I’ve been a work at home mom for the past few months, I’ve developing a special interest in staying on top of the chores.

Dishes are one of the least favorite chores in my household. I usually end up doing the dishes for the family, which requires me to stand in one spot for quite a bit of time. When I received my mat, I positioned it in front of the sink. I was very pleased with the size of the mat. The mat was large enough for me to have a comfortably wide stance, and it fit nicely in my kitchen. Immediately after standing on the mat, I became more relaxed. The mat had an amazing thickness, which made me feel that I was sinking into it.

I could feel my lower back and thighs release a lot of tension. Because I released a lot of tension, my body felt more energized. Several family members who tried the mat agreed that it helped make doing the dishes a more enjoyable experience. After using the mat for a couple weeks, I was so grateful to have it and to use it regularly. I felt that the product was very effective as well as practical. I hope in the future to try other products from the company because the bath mats and fitness mats look incredibly relaxing and useful!

For more information, visit the company on Facebook and Twitter. As a thank you to my readers, visit the Giveaway section of Theresa’s Reviews for your chance to win a free WellnessMat in February 2014.

I received a free product to help inform my writing.

The Contributor was given a gift or sample to inform this content.

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