What Activities to Avoid During Pregnancy

Having a job outside the home is sometimes challenging enough, but when you add pregnancy to that challenge, and your end result can be a major workout for your body without even going to the gym. This major workout ends up giving you a back ache, morning sickness (sometimes lasting all day), and exhaustion.

Along with your job outside the home, you still need to cope with all the other activities that make up your daily life. Some women have very little problems coping with all or some of the extras, but there are also just as many of us that have enough issues with their pregnancies that will not allow us to do all the things we need to. Here are some activities that should be avoided during your pregnancy.

Eliminate as much fatigue as much as possible

Don’t let fatigue overwhelm you. Instead, find out what part of the day is the best for you and do your job or activities that require the most energy or the most concentration. When you start to feel fatigue coming on, get up and walk around a little to re activate your muscles and blood flow. Walking can also work for distressing yourself when you do take the time to relax.

Don’t wear yourself down with extra commitments

Most of us have extra activities and commitments outside of our work place or home. This may be a good time to cut back and take that time to get some rest in. Right now is when you need to make your commitments to yourself and your baby. I doubt there isn’t anyone on your committee would not understand.

Don’t try to be wonder woman

Remember she was only a fictional character. If you are blessed with friends, or relatives, or other co-workers that really care and want to help, don’t turn their offers of help away. Instead, consider yourself truly blessed and allow them to help you. You may think that you are burdening them, but it is probably quite the opposite. Most people do not volunteer unless they really want to help. It makes us feel good when we do things for others. Lots of us need to give a little of ourselves to bring us back to the basics. If you have storm windows to put on, a lawn to be mowed or snow to be removed, a house that needs cleaning, or errands to run, for goodness sake, allow others to help. That’s what keeps us all in touch with one another.

Don’t let your job get you down

If you have a job that requires any of the following working conditions, you may need a little understanding from your boss, or a note from your doctor to get you through your pregnancy while still holding down employment.
* If you have to do any constant heavy lifting
* If you have to do any standing for long periods of time
* If you have to deal with or be around any heavy duty machines that cause vibrations
* If you are enduring lots of stress from commuting long distances to and from work
* If you are afraid of being exposed to harmful chemicals
* If you endure lots of heat while working
* If your job requires a good sense of balance
* If you have a job that requires different shift changes, that will not allow you to get proper rest.

All of these things in this report will cause fatigue, or add to your already aching body. You can’t fully escape certain conditions during pregnancy, but you can learn what types of activities need to be avoided to help maintain your health. Remember, your healthy activities are benefiting two of you now. Good luck.

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