What Can Be Done About Your Child’s Gum Problems?

A great number of people suffer from disease afflicted gums. According to a national health survey people between the ages of eighteen and 30 have problems with their gums. This goes for both men and women. Millions of Americans have lost all of their teeth because of gum disease before they even reach 40. It starts by inflamed gums, and I know because this is a problem that I recently had to deal with.

It is known as gingivitis, and teenagers can get it. You can tell that you have this problem when you gums begin bleeding when you brush your teeth, or when you eat certain foods like apples. I found out that the problem starts when children are young about 7 or 8. There are tons of causes of bleeding gums. Such as not having good oral hygiene. Lots of kids forget to brush their teeth. But they have to realize that not brushing your teeth is just as disgusting as not taking a bath.

It could also be a vitamin C deficiency which can cause your gums to bleed. If it is not treated the disease progresses very slowly. The next stage is called pyorrhea. If it is not stopped in time you may need to extract your child’s teeth. There are plenty of things that can be done to help before all of your kids lose their teeth. First you should not allow plaque to build up on your teeth. Usually it looks like a little whitish stuff that sticks to your teeth.

If your child does not do a good job brushing their teen the plaque forms the fastest amid carbohydrate food debris. But if you show your child how to brush your teeth properly this can be avoided. It is also important to make sure that your child has a soft brush. A hard brush causes your gums to recede. Also between the teeth is where the actual plaque readily forms. Here are a few additional steps that you can take:

1. Restrict your daily sugar intake- Sugar ads to the amount of plague found on your teeth.
2. Brush your teeth after every meal.
3. Use dental floss to help control plaque formation.

All of these steps should be taught to your children at an early age. If they make these steps part of their daily routine they will be less likely to have problems with their teeth as they get older. But once the tarter has formed on your child’s teeth along the gum line, it is time to pay a visit to the dentist. As the tarter hardens and forms it begins pushing the gums away from the teeth. Pus begins to form if the disease is not treated immediately.

If left for too long the bone that supports the teeth will be destroyed, and your teeth will fall out. Make sure your child keeps sticky foods to a minimum because they encourage tartar formation. Although sometimes no matter how hard your child tries they may still get tartar build up from time to time. But as least it will not be too bad.

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