What Can Parents Do When Collection Agencies Call

As parents you should do your best to make sure that your children are not affected by this situation. It is your job and your duty to protect them. There are a few things that you can do. First when they call you don’t hang up, talk to them. Tell them what your situation is and if you can make arrangements to pay a monthly amount. Even if you can only pay $20 a month something is better than nothing at all. And as long as you are making some sort of payment each month, this will help to keep them from calling you every day of the week.
Ducking them and avoiding them will only make the problem worse, and they would continue to pursue additional charges against you. Remember everyday that you don’t pay will add additional finance charges to the amount you already owe. They will even add court costs and lots of other fees. Once you tell them that you will be sending them a certain amount every month, make sure that you tell them to send you the agreement in writing. If they do not and continue to call then you can contact an attorney, because they have now crossed over the legal boundaries.
You can even call them if you realize you are falling behind or have hit some type of financial problem. If on the other hand you are not sure if the debt is yours then you can contact them and demand that they provide verification of the debt, including the original contract and all signed charges. According to the law they must prove that you owe this debt. Once the collection agency has provided you with proof of the original debt, they then assume the rights of the originator of the debt. If you fail to pay they can actually take you to court and begin repossession action against you.
You may also think about recording any conversation that you have with them. You never know when you will be able to use this later on. Make sure you tell them however that their call is being recorded. And remember even if they tell you that the amount your paying is not enough, if you sent in the payment and they cashed it then, there is no reason for them to continue to call. This obviously means that they have accepted it.