What Can You Do If You Think Your Child is Dyslexic?

Many parents may not realize how common dyslexia is among children. It basically means that your child has difficulty learning to read. This does not mean however that they are not smart; it just means that they will have to learn a little differently than others and will probably need plenty of extra help. But how can you tell if your child is showing signs of dyslexia. One sign is that your child may have difficulty putting words together. They basically do not know how to express themselves in the proper manner. You may also notice that they have difficulty learning to read and put letter sounds together. Even if you do not notice it at first, your child’s teacher definitely should be able to. In some cases it may not be detected until your child is much older. Since it is hereditary than you may want to look into your family tree. If you or your husband were dyslexic than it is very possible that your children will be also.
If you notice that your child is having any type of difficulty there are several things that you will need to do in order to make sure that their education is not hindered in any way. First speak to your child’s teacher to see where you can go to have your child tested for dyslexia. Most schools offer testing for your child and will then place them in the necessary class that can assist those who have learning disabilities. It is also very important that you learn how to help your child. Of course they will be getting plenty of extra help at school but the role that you play as a parent is equally important. It may be of a benefit for you to find out if there are any support groups in your area for parents whose children are dyslexic. If there are none in your area if may be a good idea to try and find one. These groups are a great way for parents to share different methods that they use at home to help their children. Many teachers also choose to get involved in these groups in order to come up with more beneficial ways to help the children they work with.
Many teachers will choose to use multi sensory techniques in order to teach your child. Many teachers have found this to be very successful when working with children who are dyslexic. In order to help their memory they need to learn to use all of their senses and to constantly practice what they learn. It is however more difficult to treat a child who was diagnosed after they have reached the third or fourth grade. These children are usually far behind their peers and will need time to catch up. So the bottom line is that the early you find out about your child’s learning disability the easier it will be for your child.