What Do Toys Teach Your Child?

To many children it is the main focus of their little lives. But have you noticed that a lot of the new toys that are out today do not seem educational. Manufacturers seem to be focusing on toys that included plastic mummies, or skulls, even a doll that vomits. Each year there is a new twist added to toys. And they reach our children through the television, and other means of advertising. But I started to wonder what exactly my child would be learning by playing with these toys.
I’m sure that most parents do not approve of violent toys. Yet for some reason these toys are among the most popular. Of course it is normal for most young children, especially boys to have some type of aggressive behavior. But as a parent do you really want to encourage this aggression. I’m not saying that by buying these types of toys your child will grow up to be some sort of criminal. But think about what kind of morals they will have if you continue to buy toy guns for them. Or dolls that have clothes that make her look like a prostitute.
All children are different of course and not all of them will like these types of toys. But as a parent you will really want to think about whether or not you want your child playing mindless violent games, or something that will actually teach them. I know this may sound a bit old fashioned but what about the good old board game. They have new versions for example Sponge Bob Square Pants Monopoly. It is a fun game that you can play together as a family, or that the kids can play together. And best of all with these types of games they will actually be learning something. There is nothing wrong with a child continuously learning, especially when it is fun.
It is estimated that there are over 160,000 toys on the markets at any given time. This makes an even greater challenge for parents in deciding which toy they should purchase. Many of the traditional toys have been taken over by the latest and trendy toy. The toy’s that used to have quality are now seen as junk. I remember when I was a kid toys were well made, and children were taught the value of caring for them properly. Today toys seem more like disposable toys. The majority of them are not made very well at all. I personally think this a ploy by the manufacturers.
Just think about it for a moment. Most toys will last no longer than one or two months if your child uses it. Then once it is broken or worn you go out and buy them another very expensive toy. You actually end up buying toys almost every two months. And believe me after a while that really tends to add up. So before you buy another toy for your child you may really want to think about it first.