What Does a Home Stager Do?

A home stager is a person who prepares a house so that it is ready for sale. They do this by presenting the house as well as they possibly can. Many home owners and estate agents are commonly turning to home stagers these days to tidy up their houses before they sell. They are becoming increasingly popular as time goes on and they are finally gaining some well deserved recognition. So what exactly does a home stager do?

�There is Much More To It Than a Single Coat of Paint
Many people are under the misconception that a home stager is someone who simply adds a single coat of white paint and gets rid of all the clutter. However, there is so much more to the profession that many people are not aware of. Home stagers are often extremely qualified stylists who know how to work with each individual house. They learn to know what works with each individual house. The shape of the house, the color and the furniture, all make a difference when you are trying to sell your house. Often furniture has to be moved around, fresh plants are brought in, and various decorative items are placed around the house. This usually increases the value of the house and it really gives off a great first impression to a potential buyer.

�Where Do They Advertise Their Services?
Not many people have heard of a home stager so they haven’t got the faintest idea of where to find one. The best way is to ask your local real estate agent and they should be able to give you a list of home professionals. Failing that, you can always try online or browse the phone book to come across one.

You can find practically everything online, so it shouldn’t take you too long to find a home stager within your local area. You could always advertise for one if you can’t find one within your local newspaper or perhaps on a website such as Craigs List. As they are becoming increasingly more popular, you should start to see more advertisements from professional home stagers.

�How Much Can I Expect to Pay For Their Services?
Prices will vary from home stager to home stager depending on both experience and expertise. However, you should be able to get a free estimate from a home staging company if you are able to locate one. Usually they are quick to give you a free estimate, though do remember it is only an estimate and it can be way off once they start working. So if you do agree to have some work done and you have a rough estimate, it is always worth saving that little bit extra just in case it goes over budget.

Overall home stagers are highly skilled professionals and they really can make a difference to your home. Houses that use a home stager have a tendency to sell at a much higher rate. No doubt as they become more popular, prices will rise, so try and get their services as cheap as possible while you still can.

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