What Else Did Your Child Learn in School Today?

Family communication has faltered a bit, due to our busy schedules. When our kids are in school, they are in the hands of others. Sometimes we forget to ask them what has happened and what they learned. This goes far beyond how they did on their spelling test or what homework they need to do that night.
Do you know what else they are learning? I’m not talking about drugs, drinking, sex, or other things some children pick up from schools and their peers, I’m talking about the more subtle, yet vastly important, lessons they learn about the world.
These days, we don’t know who has access to our children, and that is worrisome. We think of the bigger problems like pedophiles and the like, but what about the smaller lessons that may be shaping who your child will become? These are some things you should definitely make time to talk to your kids about, even if it takes you a while to get it out of them.
Lessons In Relating
I remember in second grade there was a girl who was having a hard time getting to know people. One day at lunch we were served spinach. Spinach was not high on anyone’s list of favorites, and no one wanted to eat theirs. We were not allowed to go out to recess until we finish our food.
This girl saw this as an opportunity to make friends. She offered to eat everyone’s spinach, hoping to make friends. Five or six kids took her up on her request and piled their spinach on her tray. Not only did she get taken advantage of, she didn’t make any friends. She sat inside through recess crying because she couldn’t finish it, and she couldn’t go outside to play.
The lesson here was that you can’t make friends by letting people take advantage of you. She was hoping by helping people out, she would make new friends. In reality she taught those people to get something from her without getting anything in return.
Your children are learning these lessons each and every day while they are at school. They are learning how to relate to each other, how to navigate friendships, and how to value themselves and others. These are things you should know about, so you can offer them guidance. These lessons are just as important as the grade they get for a pop math quiz.
School is a time when children learn about respecting their elders and how to follow the rules and fit into the scheme of everyday life. These skills are essential in almost any position they may fill in the future. What you need to know is what the teacher is giving your child in terms of how to relate to authority figures.
All of the teachers I have ever had offered me something in respect to how I would view the world once I was out on my own. Each had their own unique slant on teaching, and discipline. On particular teacher kicked me out of class for running my pen along the spiral part of my notebook. There were no questions asked, I was just out.
This particular teacher thought pretty highly of himself, and quite often taunted children and peer alike with his superior attitude. I always wondered why he didn’t take the time to ask if I was really paying attention or if I was trying to make trouble. In his mind, it didn’t matter.
In all honesty, I learned a positive lesson from him. There are people in this world who don’t ask questions and go with what they think is the truth, and it won’t matter what is true. They deem themselves wise and can’t imagine they are wrong.
This person could one day be your child’s boss. When that happens, they won’t be kicked out of class; they’ll be in the unemployment line. I didn’t care for him and his ways, but he did teach me something that would help me down the road.
Take some time to talk with your children about their teachers. Ask what they like and dislike about each one. Let your children know it’s OK if they don’t like a particular teacher, but they should always show them respect and be on the lookout for the lessons they have to offer.
Final Thoughts
These are just two of the main lessons your child may be learning in school beyond the scope of their studies. You can learn a lot about your child by listening to their tales from school. This will also help you recognize where your child may be having trouble, and will help you nip negative behaviors or notions in the bud.