What Every Woman Needs: A Toolkit and a Black Lace Bra

When I was venturing out into the world, on my own for the first time, my mother gave me a sound piece of advice: Every woman needs two things, a toolkit and a black lace bra.

While I will leave the latter to the professionals at Victoria’s Secret, a toolkit is definitely an item every woman should own. However, the process of obtaining one is a little bit trickier. There are hundreds of items that could go into a toolkit, and all in different shapes, sizes, and colors. How does a girl choose? The basic items should assist with just about any household project you will encounter.

Claw hammer: In my opinion, the best of all tools. Because, let’s face it, why ruin a perfectly stiletto heeled boot by trying to pound nails in the wall with it? This hammer comes in several sizes, but a sixteen ounce hammer should be able to handle most jobs. Nothing smaller!

Nails and screws: Several varieties from finishing nails (those with almost no head, good for cabinets) to common nails to different sized screws. They say variety is the spice of life, and that’s certainly true with nails and screws. Always better to have something handy when you need it, then not at all.

Screwdrivers: A basic screwdriver kit should suffice. Be sure to include a straight head (one dash) and a Phillips (two dashes in a cross like pattern) and a variety of lengths and sizes for those odd jobs.

Cross cut saw: Always use caution when using saws. (I’ve had several close encounters with one of this and barely managed to keep my digits! Keep in mind blood… just… isn’t… sexy…) This is probably the most versatile of all saws and will cut through just about anything.

Cordless power drill: Oh, boy do I love my cordless drill! For those times when, on a whim, you decide to hang a new mirror in the living room and don’t look forward to cleaning up glass once it has crashed to the floor, the cordless drill is perfect. Screws seem to stay in the wall just a bit better than with a hammer an nails.

Carpenter’s level: Used to determine if shelves, appliances, wall hangings, etc. are level. I’ll give you a hint, the little bubbly thingy should be in the middle if what you are measuring is truly level.

Adjustable wrench: A coworker asked me the other day what a wrench was. My response? A big handle with monster jaws on it. Great for trying to loosen bolts and other hardware.

Utility knife: This baby will cut through just about anything, including your fingers so be careful. (Again, no blood. Blood is just not glamorous, either.) Usually, it contains a retractable blade on a handle that also stores additional blades.

Be sure to also ask the fine folks at your local home improvement store for any additional ideas.

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