What Everyone Should Know About Accomplishing Any Dream

Remember when you were a kid and dreamed about being the first person to live on the moon? Or winning a Nobel Prize? Or being a movie star?

Most people have dreams that they would love to accomplish, but aren’t sure how. Often, their dreams seem impossible, and they put them on the back burner and eventually abandon them all together. But that doesn’t have to be the case; following these simple steps will help you accomplish almost anything that you want to accomplish.

1. Dream Big. The first step in effecting positive change is to Dream Big. Unfortunately, this can also be one of the hardest steps to follow. Most of us are too concerned with what seems possible or reachable. Break out of that type of thinking by dreaming big. Imagine that you could literally go anywhere and do anything. What would you be or do? Spend 15 minutes everyday dreaming big, and record those dreams in a journal or notebook. Writing down your dreams will make them more real and therefore more likely to be accomplished. Train yourself to think of impossibilities as nothing more than future accomplishments.

2. Get down to details. Dreaming Big is the first step. But nothing will ever come of Dreaming Big if your dreams are simply hazy generalities. Visualize yourself accomplishing those dreams, and pay attention to the details: don’t just dream of finding a cure for cancer; think about what your desk will look like, where you will live, what you will eat for lunch. Put in every detail you can come up with. The more detailed a dream is, the more real it seems, and the more likely you will be to achieve it.

3. Map it! Once you have your Big Dreams in place, map out a way to get there. Do some research to find out what you need to do to achieve your Big Dreams. Do you need to take a class? Change jobs? Learn how to ride a bike? Whatever you need to do-and the list might be very long!-make a roadmap to get you where you want to be. Without knowing how to get somewhere, you’ll waste a lot of time on unnecessary side trips and might never get to the finish line.

4. Take small steps. Your roadmap may look like an impossible list of major undertakings, so break it up into small, manageable steps. Too overwhelmed to go for that PhD? Start by taking a single class. Not sure how to open a nonprofit to help kids in Africa? Start by volunteering for a nonprofit that does similar work. Taking small steps towards your dream will create momentum, give you a sense of accomplishment, and move you closer to your Big Dream.

5. Celebrate your successes. It can be easy to fall into the trap of focusing on what you have left to achieve as opposed to how far you’ve already come. Celebrate all your successes, even the small ones. Recognizing when you accomplish something can keep you going and refresh you along the way to achieving your Big Dream.

Most people wander through life with little direction. Dreams that they had as kids are eventually replaced by the day-to-day minutiae of life. By Dreaming Big and working to accomplish those dreams, you can break out of that cycle and into a world you’ve only dreamed aboutâÂ?¦so far!

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