What Everyone Should Know About Flea Market Finds and Other Neat Stuff

If you’re looking for some interesting ideas for decorating your home while saving money at the same time, why not give flea markets, yard sales, or thrift shops a try. Let’s face it, not everyone can afford to buy all those luxurious items for decorating our homes. However, not everyone wants their home’s decor to appear cheap either. So how do you strike a balance between the two? You may be surprised to learn that it is possible to decorate your home with style at nearly half (or less) the cost. In fact, sometimes it is even free!

So few people in life take the time to notice the innumerable items of interest that are simply lying all around them. There is so much potential to be found in even the most unlikely of objects. Everywhere you look, everywhere you go, there is an interesting treasure waiting to be discovered and adopted into your home. Don’t spend countless hours (and more money than you can really afford) searching large department stores for that perfect addition to your home. Instead, go treasure hunting. Visit the flea market, stop at a yard sale, or drop in for a quick peek at your community thrift store. There is always something of interest to you, a unique treasure that can be found hiding among the numerous items for sale and on display. If you’re lucky enough, you may even happen across a load of free stuff too. You should consider acquiring your special treasure from an abandoned barn or other old structure, or perhaps, your family’s attic for additional freebies. If you’re adventurous or brave enough, the junkyard can also be a good source for unexpected treasures.

Such care-free shopping may be frowned upon by others, but this is simply due to their own inability to see the priceless possibilities piling up around them. In fact, if only they knew, they too would want to go treasure hunting. Depending on your particular tastes, and we all have those, decorating your home has never been easier, cheaper, or more fun. Take for instance, those seemingly never-ending redecorating projects that you’ve kept putting off for a rainy day, or at least until it better suits your budget. Wait no more. With the simplest of items, you can easily accomplish your decorating needs. And best of all, your pocketbook won’t suffer; in fact, it may thank you instead.

Here are some ideas to get you started.

? Why not consider displaying a number of your prized possessions on a makeshift shelf made from a (free) rustic piece of oak board from a torn-down barn. This may not only be free but will provide you with a small piece of history, perhaps even your own. Hang it with decorative wall brackets from a garage sale for less than half of what you’d give elsewhere. Heavier brackets can also be given new life as interesting bookends. Dress your shelves up with a collection of old family photos or a group of antique bottles, which are commonly found at yard sales, thrift shops, and flea markets at reasonable prices. You could even fill some of these bottles with water and add cuttings of your favorite flowers.

? Curio cabinets are always great for showing off your favorite objects but can be costly in some places. Did you know that you can use an old drawer, cabinet or wooden bottle carton instead? These treasures can be easily attached to the wall with eyehooks and picture wire. If the style or color doesn’t complement your current home decor, you can easily paint it with a more suitable color or dress it up with attractive shelf paper. The ones with adhesive work best, allowing you to simply peel and stick after sizing it appropriately. These treasures can also be turned into beautiful shadow boxes and filled with collectibles.

? Looking for some interesting artwork? Treasures here include old signs or magazine covers. Consider hunting for board games, puzzles, or outdated books and calendars as well. Yard sales are often a good source for these bargain treasures. All of these can be used for creating works of art fitting nearly any style. For example, many exquisite photos and a great deal of paintings and other art can be found in large, books. Most of these books can be purchased for a dollar or less. Thumb through a few to find something that suits your particular decorating scheme. Place your treasure in a beautiful frame and either hang it on the wall or place it on a shelf. Your neighbors will be amazed to learn that your pricy-looking artwork didn’t come from the art store.

? There are numerous ways to use flea market or yard sale finds to decorate your walls. For instance, plates and tableware can often turn a bland dining room into a lively, more comfortable setting simply by displaying them on shelves placed along the wall. Perhaps, you collect objects such as toys, musical instruments, or antiques. Use them instead. For example, don’t just place your musical instruments here and there throughout the house. Let everyone enjoy them by placing them along shelves in a designated location of a commonly visited room, such as the den. Add some framed pieces of sheet music. Hang some pictures of your favorite musicians as well. You get the idea. This is a great way to display the items that mean the most to you while allowing others to delight in them too. It can also be a cheap alternative when decorating a child’s room. Simply use their favorite treasures instead.

? Don’t overlook the little items and the impact they can create. Nearly anything can be used to add interesting details to your home, from hardware to jewelry. These small touches can add big appeal. For instance, many flea markets, yard sales, and thrift shops sell beautiful costume jewelry. A stunning pair of earrings can be used to accent hand towels or curtains. Crystal necklaces or similar items can be used to dress up chandeliers. Numerous items can be used for different things. An old planter can be fixed up to house washcloths and soaps in the bath or guest room. Hardware items, such as hooks or brackets, make suitable hangers for an array of treasures, including pots and pans. Even slightly damaged items can be used for something. For example, turn a chipped or cracked glass bowl into a lovely planter on the front porch or a pleasing, aromatic centerpiece filled with potpourri on a table. Slightly damaged clothing can be another great treasure for next to nothing; and used as fabric, makes wonderful placemats, quilts, pillows, etc.

No object is without possible resurrection. You don’t need to have a lot of money to have a well-decorated or stylish home. All you need is a little imagination and an eye for finding a treasure’s hidden potential. There are many treasures waiting to be found not only at flea markets, yard sales, and thrift shops, but all around you. It’s not only easy to do and a load off your pocketbook, but hunting down these potential treasures can also be both exciting and fun. What are you waiting for? Use your imagination to hunt your awaiting treasure, and you’ll have the most stylish home on the block, for nearly half the cost or free.

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