What Kind of a Writer Are You?

Writing Quiz

(1)What kind of writer are you?

a) Writing is my main source of income
b) I had a piece published in a college magazine once
c) I write regularly but rarely submit any
d) I write every day and submit regularly

(2)What is writer’s block?

a) Making the fifth cup of coffee in an hour rather than getting on with it
b) Staring at a blank piece of paper
c) A bin full of screwed up attempts
d) A teenager who says ‘You aren’t using the computer are you? Oh, were you supposed to save that?’

(3)What kind of agent do you have?

a) I receive e-mails from time to time
b) My best friend
c) I’ve got one but I can’t find his address
d) What’s an agent?

(4)How do you submit manuscripts?

a) Hand written first drafts by snail mail
b) Double spaced word processed in rtf with inch space all round sent as attachments.
c) Your 25th attempt at making the computer print it properly
d) An e-mail on the way to work

(5)What kind of writing do you do?

a) Whatever pays the bills
b) My favourite kind
c) It depends on the market requirements
d) Whatever inspires me

(6)Why do you write?

a) What else is there to do?
b) It is something I can do at home in comfort while also looking after the children/my mother/the dog.
c) I want to be a best selling author
d) It is what I’m good at

(7)What is your attitude to your writing?

a) I look forward to starting a new piece
b) I get a sense of satisfaction from completing a piece to the best of my abilities
c) It’s a job
d) The acceptances make up for the rejections


(1)a) 4, b)1, c)2, d)3

(2) a)1, b)2, c)4, d)3

(3) a)3, b)4,c)2, d)1

(4) a)1,b)4 c)3, d)2

(5) a)3, b)1 c)4,d)2

(6) a)3,b) 1 c)2,d)4

(7) a)3,b)4,c)1,d)2

Remember this is just for fun, and I could well be wrong but here it is:-

21-28 – A true professional
14-21 – You’re on the way
7-14 – A nice hobby
1-7 – Are you really trying?

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