What Makes a Song so Popular?

Have you noticed how some of the most popular songs that many people listen to make no sense I have listen to a lot of song from Rap to County and just can not see the point to some of them. The majority of the songs seem to really be about the beat and not so much about the lyrics. Let’s take rap for example. This is not to say that all rap is senseless and only about the beat. There are plenty of artists that have rap songs that make sense like rapper M&M. A lot of people don’t like his music because a lot of it seems to be on the violent side.

But if you really took the time to listen to some of his music it makes sense. Especially the songs he writes about his daughter. In most of them he is apologizing for the mistakes that he has made over the years. I must say why I may not agree with the way he thinks at least his raps seem to be more like telling a story.

But when you listen to some of the southern rappers, it really seems like all they are talking about is someone shaking something or taking something off. I won’t mention any names but if you know rap music then you know what I am talking about. But in the defense of these rappers many people do love their beats and they always seem to be coming up with some new type of dance. But is this makes these songs so popular, or is it the artist that makes it so popular? Through the course of my research I would have to say that it is fifty percent the music and fifty percent the artist.

Remember one of the first things that you need to make a song top the charts is a hot beat. Then if you have the personality to go along with it, you can definitely make the top ten. Unfortunately many people feel that now the music world is less about a person’s actual musical talent and more about the beat and how much sex they show in the videos.

It is true that sex definitely does sell. If you take a look at what artists are currently on the top of the charts and see what their videos look like and what the beats in their song sounds like you will understand why. The bottom line when it comes to finding out why a song is so popular, it depends greatly on who you ask and when. Each generation the music industry changes and what once was considered hot may now be considered the opposite.

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