What Makes the Antichrist?

What makes one an Anti-christ?

I. Hate

A. Inability to forgive the world for wrongs committed against them
B. The world refuses to accept and forgive the individual for what they are
C. Vengeance

II. Sociopathic behavior
A. No compassion for those who have wronged the individual
B. No compassion from those who seek to harm the individual
C. Accepted way of living from both the individual and the world

III. Ruthless
A. Imagination and intelligence combined to create cruelness
B. Understanding of how to quickly eradicate the enemy and a willingness to carry out the plan
C. Social convincing that destruction and cruelty are the only way to achieve the power necessary to overcome those who would destroy one

Basically one must embrace the opposite of the teachings of Christ. One must consider forgiveness a weakness that must be destroyed in all individuals. One must be able to overcome the affliction of conscience that forces one towards more compassionate alternatives. One must become efficient at destruction. The anti-Christ will be an individual who refuses to forgive the world for being something other than what has been demanded of it. The anti-Christ will embrace hateful action and actively spread the doctrine of prejudice. The anti-Christ will possess a chemical imbalance that allows for compassionless destruction. This imbalance will be self-created through meditation; active choice, or actively created through abuse of drug knowledge. Allowing the anti-Christ to destroy efficiently anything that attempts to inhibit it. The anti-Christ must be melodic in their ability to convince the current social structure that destruction is the best avenue. One that destroys foundations of spirit and offers no hope accept for the single offer of a one note explanation.

How does one identify a Monster?

I. Action
A. Choice of direction in life

II. Philosophy
A. Reason for existing
1. Personalized spiritual understanding

III. Ignorance that refuses to question itself
A. Perfection
1. Evil

A monster understands a destiny within the grand scheme. Monstrous power is the perversion of the power granted through comprehension of moralistic law. A monster learns to fake the moral necessity needed within society to garner a specific reaction from said society for a desired goal. A monster will not question the actions undertaken because of a preconceived belief that nature is a natural process and any action carried out by the individual is a natural act and allowed through a natural moral law. Monsters are ruled only by fear; fear of being exposed as monstrous. Monsters make use of projection to avert understanding of what they are. Monsters must live in denial of themselves.

How does one find redemption?

I. Questioning of ones morality
A. What has been done wrong in the world?
B. The individuals part in the wrong doing
C. Feelings concerning the wrongs committed
1. Does it deserve to be righted?
2. Who is the person to carry out the job?
3. Can it be accomplished?

II. Karmic Balance
A. Universally obvious imbalance
B. What is the counterbalance to the wrong committed?
C. How does one create the counterbalance?

III. Action
A. Creation of the counterbalance
B. Defense of moral action needed to create the counterbalance
C. The proper time

The seeking of redemption is an oddity. One must first accept that there is a reason to be redeemed. For proper redemption to occur; there is a necessity that judgment take place. One must become familiar with the world around them and gain the wisdom to balance the wrongs committed with proper retribution; even if that retribution is solely personal and inflicted upon oneself. There will have to be a force behind conviction if one is to acquire the desired outcome of redemption. Belief gives one the power to redeem oneself. The only way to find redemption is to isolate the problem that plagues you, right the problem to the best of your ability and hope that you will have the strength to live with the wrongs that cannot be undone.

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