What Men Need to Know About Menopause and Mood Swings

Menopause is a time in a woman’s life when her ovaries stop production of certain hormones that are found naturally in the body. Menopause usually starts at around age 50, however this can vary. This can start as early as 35 or as late as 60. In addition, this can happen at any age when she has her ovaries surgically removed due to medical conditions. This process can take several months to complete and usually considered over when she has not had a menstrual cycle for one full year.
In addition, menopause can cause a woman to experience all sorts of side effects. Some of the most common side effects women report includes night sweats, panic attacks, nausea, migraine headaches and mood swings. Mood swings and irritability are ranked two of the most common (and irritating) symptoms of menopause. Mood swings not only bother the woman, but also can make life miserable for everyone around her. She cannot easily control her moods and sometimes she might even know that she is acting in a certain way. Some days might be picture perfect, while other days can leave the normally happiest person feeling like a ball of nerves.
Mood swings are defined as rapid changes in emotions. Most women can feel their moods changing during menopause. Most of the time, she knows when her mood is going from “sweet to sour”. Other times, she may not realize it is happening. Or, she might feel her mood change, but thinks she is in control of her feelings. Some women even describe the menopause years as a roller coaster. Emotions are up at one moment and at an all time low the next. Her mood and her feelings will certainly affect her and all around her. This is a time to understand that these feelings and emotions are completely normal. While it may appear she is lashing out at you, she is not.
While it is not completely known how menopause affects mood swings, irritability may also be contributed to poor sleep. Women experiencing menopause have hot flashes during the night and these can wake her or leave her unable to sleep during the night.. Hot flashes and night sweats that are also very common during this time. Poor sleep can lead to fatigue and a feeling of general weakness. Also, it is during this time that many women are dealing with more issues at home. It could be financial, or possibly the responsibility that comes with balancing life with work, children and marriage. These are also reasons woman could experience fluctuations in their moods. If you think this description applies to your wife, you can help her by lightening her load around the house. Talk to her and let her know you are there for her.
In addition, you should also understand that there are other conditions that are known to cause mood swings and irritability in women going through menopause. Age-related illnesses can cause hormone fluctuations that lead to irritability. Heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, thyroid conditions, and depression can also cause diabetes during the menopause years. It is believed that while menopause can cause some degree of mood swings and irritability, most can be contributed to the lack of sleep or other health issues.
In order to deal with mood swings that are caused by menopause, it is important for women to recognize when and why mood swings occur. Some women find it helpful to identify the feelings and situations that make them feel a certain way. By pinpointing the situations that cause the mood swings, women are better able to control their feelings. You can help her by letting her talk to you about her emotions. Even the smallest thing can upset her, so know that you are not the target of her emotions. It is completely normal and this is a time in her life when she needs you emotionally.
Another method of controlling mood swings during menopause is to try to control the amount of sleep during the night. Many women find it useful to control the temperature in the bedroom to make it as cool as possible. Wearing lose-fitting all cotton sleepwear can also help menopausal women sleep better at night. Do you snore and keep her awake at night? Try to reduce your snoring by using sleeping aids, such as Breath Right strips. Also, instead of complaining that she is keeping the room too cold at night, just add another blanket to your side of the bed.
In addition, reducing stress in everyday life can also help reduce the mood swings and irritability during this time. Knowing what causes anxiety and stress and taking the time to use meditation and other relaxation techniques can help with irritability. In addition, regular exercise can help control the constant up and downs of mood swings. Keeping a healthy body can make a woman feel more focused and clear-minded during the day. Light exercise is usually the best. Most doctors will recommend a light exercise program consisting of 20 minutes a day of walking, stretching, biking, swimming or even yoga. Help her get moving by offering to walk the dogs or taking a short bike around the neighborhood with her. A little exercise can help her and can help you, too.
Menopause is a normal occurrence in women. This is a time in her life when she is experiencing change that she cannot always control. Some women will choose to take prescription medication to help alleviate side affects, but others will want to face menopause naturally. Whatever her choice may be, you can help her through this tough time by being there for her and by remembering that her mood swings are not a reflection of you.