What Musical Instrument is Right for Your Child?

It’s school time again, and many parents will be scampering to find extracurricular activities for their young children. Sports, music, art, language … there are so many possibilities. Learning a musical instrument is an excellent choice. Students who learn to understand music usually do better in their studies, especially mathematics. But, what instrument is right for your child?

Let me tell you from experience (personal experience, that is) that the best musical instrument for your child to learn is one that he/she is interested in themselves. You can select the most expensive instrument in the world for your child to play, but if they don’t like that instrument come hell or high water they will not learn it! Let THEM do the choosing.

Shop around and make sure your child goes with you for an instrucment. Let him or her explore the world of music and the sparkle in their eye when they see or hear the instrument being played is your clue to where to start.

Once you see where their interest lies, make an appointment to speak with a music teacher. Don’t go and buy an instrument before doing this. A beginner’s needs may differ significantly from the pro, so you don’t want to spend money up front without having a full knowledge of what the lessons will require.

Finally, after all is said and done, if your child does not wish to play an instrument, please don’t force them to. If there is no interest, your child will balk each time it is time to practice. If forced to practice they will blame the instrument and learn to hate music even more.

Music should be something that is enjoyed, even while learning. If it can’t be enjoyed, it should not be part of the schedule. Disciplined practice time is required to learn, don’t get me wrong. However, that time should not cause resentment in the heart of a child. Afterall, not all children do enjoy music. And, that’s okay.

But, if your youngster is interested to learn and enjoys playing an instrument all the more power to him or her. Learning to play music is a wonderful achievement. And true achievement in playing an instrument begins with an act of love – love for the music and the instrument that they are playing. And, as you well know, love is something innate. it can never be forced.

So, whether your child selects the guitar, flute, cello, violin, piano, organ … whatever … the decision begins in the heart of the youngster and no one else!

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