What Your Babysitter Needs to Know in an Emergency

Important emergency phone numbers:
�· Your cell phone/pager
�· The number where you plan to be
�· Police/fire department (not all cities have 911 service)
�· Doctor/pediatrician
�· Gas/electric company
�· Poison control
�· Trustworthy relative
�· Trustworthy neighbor
Ã?· Nearest taxi service – leave money just in case
What emergency crews may need to know:
�· Address of home
�· Home phone
�· Directions to home
�· Health insurance information
What your sitter needs to know about each child:
�· Full name
�· Birthdate
�· Height/weight
�· Blood type
�· Allergies
�· Medical conditions
�· Prescribed medications/dosages
�· Available OTC medications/dosages
�· What to eat and when
�· Whether child is allowed to use stove/microwave
�· Preferred manner of discipline
Ã?· Household rules – TV, video games, rooms that are off-limits, etc.
�· Whether child can go outside
Ã?· Whether child’s friends can come inside
Household hazards they should know about:
�· Recent construction
�· Open windows
�· Safety gates on stairs
�· Swimming pools
�· Aggressive pets
Rules for your sitter:
�· Policy on entertaining friends
�· Phone usage
�· TV/computer usage
�· Food availability
�· Drug/alcohol use
Your sitter may also want to know where these are:
�· Smoke detectors
�· Fire extinguishers
Ã?· Spare keys – kids love locking bathroom doors!
Ã?· Car keys – in case of dire emergency
�· Cleaning products
�· Thermostat
Post this information in a prominent place, like on the refrigerator. Go over each item with your babysitter before you leave. Then you can head out of the house with the knowledge that your kids are in good hands.