What a Day

To accomplish more than ever before.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To undo or forget about past mistakes and to get on with the business of living.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To prove myself to myself and to the world around me.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To recreate myself and get back on the path to success.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To forgive myself and others, to heal so that I can go on.
This is a day that I’ve been given to slay those “dragons” called doubt, fear & self-defeat.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To give up bad habits; Pick up the pieces of broken dreams.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To discover that this life is the only one I get, so I’ll value it as a precious and rare gift.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To set an example for my children.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To choose to do better, be better and live better.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To say yes to what I want in my life and no to what I don’t.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To let go of those people who are holding me back and bringing me down.
This is a day that I’ve been given
To know that I am somebody; I have a place in this world.
Tomorrow is never promised, but I’m not worried about that becauseâÂ?¦
This is the day I’ve been waiting for.