What is Fibrocystic Breast Disease?

Fibrocystic Breast Disease, or FBD, also known as cystic mastitis, is part of premenstrual syndrome and is a risk factor for breast cancer. In this disease the breasts appear lumpy and “cystic”, and are frequently painful to the touch. Fibrocystic Breast Disease seems to be the result of an increase in the estrogen to progesterone ration and an increase in the hormone prolactin. There is not a way for the average lay person to know if a lump is cancer or if it is Fibrocystic Breast Disease. To the touch they will feel very similar, as a lump or cyst. It could be cystic, benign, or cancer. Always go to the doctor if you feel a nodule on a self breast exam. Fibrocystic Breast Disease occurs in 20-40% of all premenopausal women.
Treating FBD Naturally
A vegetarian diet with lots of dietary fiber and extremely small amounts of caffeine is a good beginning to your treatment therapy. A good elimination diet to purge toxins from the body in a detox is a good way to begin your healthier vegetarian lifestyle and will prep your body for a better health environment. Avoidance of external estrogens such as oral contraceptives and growth stimulated meat will keep the estrogen in the body from surging. The diet should feature whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and at least 48 ounces of water. Water is an excellent flushing system to the body.
Supplements for Fibrocystic Breast Disease
A high potency multi-vitamin
Choline of 500-1000 mg per day
Beta-cartonene of 50,000 IU per day
Zinc of 15-30 mg per day
Flaxseed oil of 1 Tablespoon per day
Methionine of 500-1000 mg per day
Vitamin B6 of 25-50 mg 3 times per day
Vitamin C of 500 mg 3 times per day
Vitamin E of 400-800 IU per day
Lactobacillus acidophilus of 1-2 billion live organisms per day
Reducing caffeine has been found to significantly improve symptoms. In a study, 45 women totally abstained and 97.5% had dramatic improvement. 28 women limited their consumption, but did not abstain, and 75% of these in the group had some relief. This study shows a correlation between Fibrocystic Breast Disease symptoms and caffeine intake. Caffeine is found in colas, coffee, teas, chocolate, and in some caffeine enhanced medications. Always look to see if your medications have caffeine (Excederin Migrane, etc).
Stress also plays a key role, since Fibrocystic Breast Disease appears responsive to changes caused by adrenaline.