What is Kapha Dosha?

What is Kapha Dosha?

“Kapha Dosha” is one of the three Doshas or constitutions of Ayurvedic medicine. Most likely first explained in the The Charaka Samhita, an Ayurvedic text written around 400-200 BCE, Kapha Dosha, is used to describe Earthy type people. It is considered to be “Earth with a little bit of water”. Kapha can also be translated as “phelm” or “that which holds things together”, and holding things, and people together, are two of the things Kapha is best at.

Kapha in Balance

Kapha Dosha people tend to be of larger, heavy builds, and have dark, or oily skin. They often have thick dark, brown or black hair, and large eyes. When Kapah Dosha is in balance, they tend to be strong and stable, with excellent long term memories and are difficult to provoke. They also have an unsettling ability to sleep through just about everything. People with Kapha Dosha excel in jobs and situations that require logical analysis, provided they are allowed, and able to take the time to gather all the necessary facts they require to make their decisions.

Kapha Out of Balance

Kapha Dosha is perhaps the easiest Dosha to spot an imbalance in. When Kapha Dosha can’t sleep, or is easily irritated and starts snapping at people, a Vata (or air) Imbalance is most likely to blame. Lots of mental space, uninterrupted sleep, and a good dinner of meat and potatoes, or what’s also known as “comfort foods”, will often fix the problem.

When Kapha’s stability and slow steady steps turn to in inability to get up in the morning, lethargy or dullness of mind, a Pitta (or fire) Imbalance is usually the culprit. Lots of spice in their food, sunlight, and warmth will go a long way towards fixing the problem.

Major imbalances of Kapaha Dosha can lead to a variety of diseases, most of which involve the lungs, phlegm, or other body fluids. People who suffer from Obstructive Sleep Apnea, (OSA) might want to check their Dosha type, and see if they can get Kapha Dosha balanced by diet or lifestyle changes, since many symptoms of OSA, are also symptoms of a Kapha imbalance.

How to Discover your Dosha

You can discover if you have a Kapha Dosha constitution, either by going to a Ayurvedic practitioner, or taking one of the many online “Dosha Tests” that are offered. Ayurvedahc.com has a nice test that will tell you your Dosha type, as well as a wealth of information, on Vedic practices and Ayurvedic medicine.

Kapha Dosha people, like the tortoise racing the hare, can accomplish amazing feats on the road of life, including acquiring great wealth through slow and steady means, and making break-throughs in area’s that others just didn’t have the patience to perservier in. Learning your Dosha, and how to keep it balanced, can give you the strength and information you need to make that road go where you want it to lead.

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