What is Movement Education?

Movement education refers to a number of alternative healing techniques, such as Alexander Technique, Aston-Patterning, Feldenkrais Method, and Hellerwork. What all these techniques have in common is the use of physical movement, deep massage, and other methods. The techniques involved in movement education are to help release stress from the body and increase your normal range of movement. Increasing ones’ normal range of movement allows a person to experience more of a healthy, energetic, and creative balance in their body.

Movement education is used as a therapy for muscle problems all over the body, and including certain types of pain, like bursitis, tendonitis, and carpel tunnel syndrome or other types of repetitive strain injury. How movement education works is a specialist in the field observes your movement patterns, how you sit, stand, and walk. Then the specialist will teach you specific exercises and skills that will make you more aware of habitual physical patterns that result in tension and constriction in your body. These skills will also give you more flexibility and balance. You will be able to move much more freely in a number of comfortable ways. A complete movement education program requires a series of sessions over a number of weeks, maybe months. Any habit usually takes awhile to overcome.

Each technique involved in movement education has a different set of philosophies. The Feldenkrais and Alexander methods are not therapy but consist of a learning process that will enhance feelings of happiness. The Aston-Patterning method focuses on specific physical health problems, such as chronic pain and healing injuries. The most important thing when getting involved with movement education is to seek a specialist who will suggest the best technique for you.

Movement education is safe as long as you listen to your body and don’t overextend your muscles. If a particular movement causes pain, then refrain from doing it. If you have recently suffered a major injury or illness, always consult your physician before engaging in any strenuous activities. Also, allow your body time to heal. And if you are pregnant or have certain health issues, such as high blood pressure or diabetes, always consult your physician.

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