What is Tom Cruise Thinking?

You people, and I use that in the pejorative much like a liquored up H. Ross Perot at a “Get Out The Vote” rally, are making me sick with your snide remarks about the relationship between Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes. So what if he is 16 years her senior, she’s got 5 inches on him. There is so little love in the world, must we trample on their’s?

Who can forget a fresh faced 19 year-old Tom Cruise making his film debut in Franco Zeffirelli’s ENDLESS LOVE. Or the 19 year-old cherub Katie Holmes as Libbets Casey in THE ICE STORM? Much like a love affair, their careers had such tender beginnings. Big deal that their film debuts were 16 years apart.

Tom spent the next few years after his debut putting together an impressive body of ‘smaller’ work. TAPS, THE OUTSIDERS and he even proved he could act by pretending to be turned on by Shelly Long in LOSIN’ IT. Then, in 1983; Tom Cruise had his break through RISKY BUSINESS followed by ALL THE RIGHT MOVES and a star was born!

1983 was a huge year for Katie Holmes too. What five year old isn’t thrilled at the idea of entering kindergarten?

For Tom the 80’s were nothing but a whirlwind of Top Box Office Hits, TOP GUN, THE COLOR OF MONEY, RAIN MAN and BORN ON THE FOURTH OF JULY. There were a few dogs as well: LEGEND, COCKTAIL, a cameo in YOUNG GUNS, but over-all the 80’s were just ducky for Tom. He even ended the decade by divorcing his first wife, the 34 year-old Scientologist Mimi Rogers. Not only was Mimi an older woman, she had him by a good six and a half inches.

Mimi, who’s first husband Jim Rogers was a Church of Scientology counselor, spent a large part of the 80’s doing TV until she married the younger Tom in 1987 and then she started to get some good movie roles. She and her father also began Cruise, a former Franciscan seminary student’s, indoctrination into the world of L. Ron Hubbard.

The 80’s were also huge for Katie, what with the learning to read and write. I’m sure riding the school bus for the first time in 1984 was almost as big a kick for her as getting nominated for his first Golden Globe was for Tom that same year.

At 14 Mimi Rogers graduated high school. At 14 Cruise dropped out of the seminary school. At 14 Katie went to modeling school. Of course, these events took place in three different decades, to three different people in three very different times, but I think we can see a pattern here. At least I do. A deep, dark disturbing pattern.

By the time young Katie made her debut in 1997, Tom had already made 19 movies, including JERRY MAGUIRE, the first MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE and an appearance on “The Magic School Bus”. Contrary to popular rumor, it was not while watching “The Magic School Bus” that Katie first fell for Tom.

In 1998 Katie struck gold at “Dawson’s Creek”. Tom was also mining his own gold, his third Oscar nomination, this one for MAGNOLIA. It’s also the year he made EYES WIDE SHUT with soon to be ex-wife number two, Nicole Kidman. Kidman was a cold, calculating Australian who use Tom to further her career and at 5′ 101/2″, Tom’s tallest wife to date.

Why should Tom Cruise be such a hunter/collector of tall, beautiful women? Well, according to our Scientologist founder and buddy L. Ron Hubbard: 75 million years ago the galactic ruler Xenu, brought billions of people to Earth, stacked them around volcanoes, and blew them to bits. Their soul then searched out the bodies of those left living. Perhaps Tom is just a lost soul looking for his mate.

Interestingly, Mimi Rogers guest starred on “Dawson’s Creek” in 2003, two years before Tom and Katie hooked up. Perhaps she was an advanced scout for the Scientologist’s mate?

John Travolta, Jenna Elfman, Juliette Lewis, Giovanni Ribisi, Chick Corea, Lisa Marie Presley and Beck have all see the late Hubbard’s light, as well as Kirstie Alley, who credits the Scientologist run Narcanon for ending her cocaine addiction, but not her tragic Haggen Daz addiction.

But I’ve lost focus here. The question was “There is so little love in the world, must we trample on their’s?” and the answer is, yes.

“A culture is only as great as its dreams, and its dreams are dreamed by artists,”
-L.Ron Hubbard

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