What is Your New Year Resolution Going to Be?

Every New Years people want to start out fresh and make another resolution. Sometimes it is hard to figure out what you can change in your life to have as a resolution. A lot of people make a resolution that is sometime unrealistic and end up not sticking to that resolution for the year. Instead of doing something unrealistic or insensible for resolutions, you should do something that you know you can be capable of doing. Here are some ideas that might help you in finding the right resolution for the New Year.

Stop Smoking/Cut Back on Cigarettes

A lot of people make their resolution to stop smoking, but the problem is if you are a heavy smoker it is hard to just go cold turkey in one day. Some people don’t smoke for a few days and then go back to their regular habits and forget about their resolution. Instead of giving up cigarettes all at once you can take it one step at a time. Let’s say you want to completely stop smoking. If you are a smoker and smoke 20 cigarettes a day for example you can make a resolution to cut your cigarette smoking by one cigarette a week. So one week you would smoke 19 a day, then the next week you would smoke 18 a day, and then the next week 17 a day. After several weeks you will be down to 5 cigarettes a day then maybe you will go to 0 a day. This goal is more realistic and you can be proud of yourself for giving up smoking at the end. If you don’t want to give up smoking but want to cut down on how many cigarettes you smoke you can also do this resolution.

Lose Weight/Exercise more

A lot of people make their resolution to lose weight and exercise more. This is a good healthy goal, but some people go into this resolution thinking they will lose weight right away and exercise crazy. If you want to lose weight and exercise more there is a safe and healthy method of doing so. Instead of making a goal of losing 30 pounds in a year, set your goal to losing 1-3 pounds every month. This way you know you can be able to this and not give up on your goal. A second thing is that if you haven’t really exercised before and start exercising 6 days a week might be harmful to your body. First you should start exercising 2-3 times a week then once you are used to that routine you can increase the amounts of exercise for you body. This way you will pace yourself and be healthy at the same time.

Give up Sweets and Fatty Food

If you’re a kind of person who wants to give up sweets and fatty food for your New Years Resolution you can do it as long as you are healthy about it. Sometimes if you change your diet too suddenly it can be harmful to your health. It is good to give up sweets and fatty foods but do it one serving at a time. So when you first start off in your resolution instead of you’re usually servings of 2 candy bars or 2 hamburgers have one and then next time you can have half of one and so on. This way you can enjoy the foods you love but cut back on the servings and still be healthy.

These resolutions might be something you want to do to improve your lifestyle for the New Year!

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