What is a Senior Sendoff?

At the end of the spring semester, your fraternity will usually hold a senior sendoff party. What is a senior sendoff? A senior sendoff could be a private party or a private dinner or a special room reserved for just members of the fraternity. Each member who is a senior and will be graduating when school is over is specially rewarded by the fraternity.
Each name of the seniors who are graduating will be read out loud by the president or head of the fraternity. Then each senior will get as much time as they need to get up in front of a podium or on a stage or just in front of the entire fraternity and make a speech. The speech will be one of the most sentimental and tear jerking experiences. The speaker, especially females will cry tears of joy and sadness of knowing that this will be one of the last times that they are with their fellow friends and brothers and sisters in the fraternity.
The speech that each senior member will make will tell how much they love their closest friends and the fond times that they shares together and how much the fraternity means to them through their college experience.
At the senior sendoff event, a legacy booklet is created which each member of the fraternity takes home with them. In the legacy booklet, each member of the fraternity who is close friends with a senior who is leaving will write a paragraph or two about what a great friend and person the senior is who is leaving. The legacy booklet also contains writing from the senior member about other members of the fraternity who are staying and are underclassman. This writing will also contain something special about their friends’ personalities and pictures of great memories and places and times that they share together.
At the fraternity sendoff, the newest members of the fraternity from the newly inducted pledge class will also be on hand. In the induction ceremony the names of the new pledge class members will be read out loud and each new member’s hand will be raised as they say a pledge to the fraternity to uphold its laws and traditions and values. At the induction ceremony the fraternity paddles that the pledge class has created will also be shown on display as well as the pledge class song.
The senior sendoff event is a very emotional experience and I highly encourage everyone in your fraternity because it is a truly unique experience