What is a Virtual Personal Assistant or VPA?

Right about now, I know you are thinking “What the heck is a virtual personal assistant?” In this new age of technology, anything goes and there is a new professional in the rise: virtual personal assistants. In the work world, virtual personal assistants are known as administrative assistants. Almost all of us know what an administrative assistant is. They manage day to day functions of an office. They answer telephones, word process correspondence and important forms, manage executive’s calendars, maintain databases, and much more. In the new and exciting world of Virtual Personal Assistants, the administrative assistant works from their home office and uses their own supplies, thus reducing overhead of a business.
Why choose a VPA?
You’ll only pay for the time you use. VPA’s are not paid for breaks or lunch breaks. Why pay someone to talk to their friends or eat? You avoid paying for insurance, sick time, vacation or other costly benefits. VPA’s are considered independent contractors and pay for their own benefits. They use their own office space and supplies. Hate paying to have that Xerox machine fixed? Is the cost of more office space not cost efficient? No worries with a VPA! They can save you money. Hire one on an hourly basis or save money with a monthly retainer plan. Many VPA’s have monthly retainer plans that allow you to save even MORE money! VPA’s are around when you need them. Did you administrative assistant get sick or go on vacation? Did she suddenly quit? Hire a VPA to come to your rescue!!
How does a VPA work?
Assignments of your choice and their expertise are communicated to them by phone, fax, e-mail, postal mail, or private. There is no need for you to be within the local area of a VPA. Once the assignment is finished it is returned to you by one of the above means. They work on the timeline you give. It is just that simple!!
VPA’s are ideal for small business owner, entrepreneurs, busy people, executives and anyone that needs administrative work completed for a competitive price!!