What is an IPod?

To put it simply, an iPod is a portable music player. It is this generation’s answer to the transistor radio of the 1970s or the Sony Walkman of the 1980s. The iPod is about the size of a deck of cards and as cute as a little bunny, which definitely adds to the “cool” factor. The original iPod holds hundreds of songs. Then with or the flip of a wheel, and the touch of a button, the songs play through the tiny earphones.

The iPod is made by Apple, Inc., a company with a reputation for innovative products. To get songs onto the iPod, you need a cable (comes with the package) that connects the iPod to your USB computer port. This works for either Macs or PCs. The computer is necessary for this toy because in order for it to hold so many songs, the iPod user must download (copy) songs from the Internet. The owner logs onto the Internet, buys songs from an online store, then downloads the music to the iPod. The songs are recorded on the computer chip inside the iPod. The iPod can even recharge its own batteries when connected to a computer.

There are several models of the iPod. The top of the line model costs holds about 15000 songs and now has the ability to view video on a color screen, about 1.5 inches square. The mid-line model is called the Nano, and is the size of a business card and pencil thin. The least inexpensive model, called the iPod shuffle holds about 100 songs and it is about the size of a large package of chewing gum.

The iPod does have its competition. Search for “digital music players” on the Internet and you will find plenty of devices that offer similar features. In addition to storing lots of music, a digital music player may also have a mini-calendar, a customizable play list, and the ability to store photos. Some stores will let you try one out before purchasing the product.

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