What to Do During a Storm When You Are Stuck Inside

One of the more irritating things that happen often during storms is the failure of the electric power. If it is for a short time, is not so big deal, even can add a little romanticism to our routine nights. Light up some pretty candles and celebrate a dinner in intimacy. I know that your TIVO recordings will be screwed up, but in this, you have nothing to do, play some dominoes or yatzee to be entertained. However, power cuts can be long, and they are hideous, even dangerous, if you live in a remote area. In that case, the heat will stop, the food will go bad and maybe help can be taking a very long time. In that case, maybe you can think about install an electric generator, which can save your live. The fridge still will work and you will have electricity for the lights and heat. Anyways, try to stock some canned food in your pantries, or prepared meals you do not have to cook or heat.
If you are stuck at home because the snow, be prepared to get to know your family very closely, and try do not let your nervous break downs to destroy your normally happy relationships. Plan activities to do at the house, and use the time to redecorate or fix those always forgotten domestic utensils that are broken forever. Be aware of the news, so you can know the progress of the storm, if you do not have electricity at the moment, use a radio with batteries. Always buy a big amount of batteries at the end of the summer, and keep check if you have enough. Will be convenient also to have at least one cell phone at the house, because it is probable that the conventional lines get strike by the storm. Try to have always your fridge and pantries well provided of food. Have variety and enough amounts of food for several days, you do not know when you will be able to go shopping again. Snacks, candies and chocolates will make the waiting more bearable.
Besides a good variety of board games and cards to entertain you and your family, would be a good idea to have a decent collection of books for all the family tastes. Hey, never let go an opportunity to make your kids to get over their allergy to literature. Have also a good selection of movies, but try doing not make things harder paying examples of cinema or Japanese movies in original version with titles.
Provide one flash light to every member of the family, you will avoid hysterically annoying screaming if the electricity gets cut, and if you live in a place where storms are frequent, have several battery night lights always plugged in hallways, bedrooms and bathrooms, so the transition to darkness wont be so traumatic.
For sure that the middle of a snow storm that cuts the electricity and will last for days will be the moment that someone of your family will choose to get sick or get hurt. Therefore, better you always have ready a good medicines cabinet, with everything, pain medicines, antacids, antiseptics and everything else. Try not to be late in the refill of the prescriptions of your family medications, so always be enough for some extra days. A couple of good Medical books are also a good addiction to your library; they can give you information when you need it the most.
Remember; go shopping at the end of summer to have everything ready for the stormy winter. Moreover, be patience, it is always a Noah with an arch at the rescue.